
Dungeon Hunter – Chapter 48-54: Place of the Fallen Gods


Bab 48-54: Tempat para Dewa yang Jatuh

Saya melihat ladang lava di lantai 6 yang dipenuhi dengan kepuasan.

Pirang dewasa yang diangkat oleh para kurcaci dan peri gelap terbang dengan sayap.

Kecuali fakta bahwa sayap mereka memiliki ukuran dan bentuk yang mirip dengan kelelawar, mereka tampak seperti naga mini.

4 pyrocks telah selesai tumbuh ke tahap ke-3. Satu orang dewasa akan berguna sehingga panen ini lebih besar dari yang diharapkan.

Sebuah batuan dewasa adalah makhluk menengah 4Lv. Itu satu tingkat lebih rendah dari Inferno tetapi membual efisiensi 20.000pt.

40 larva pyrock biaya 48.000 pt sementara 4 orang dewasa akan masing-masing 30.000 pt.

"Kerja bagus."

Saya memuji penampilan mereka.

Julliom dan kepala kurcaci Stein berlutut.

"Itu alami. Master Penjara Bawah Tanah! ”

"Apa yang kamu inginkan? Jika pantas maka saya akan memberikannya kepada Anda. "

Julliom melihat sekeliling dengan gugup sebelum berkata.

"… Apakah Yihi ada di sini?"

"Dia pergi untuk mengumpulkan madu."

"Lalu … bisakah kamu mengubah kebun?"


Julliom berteriak dengan ekspresi putus asa.

“Struktur besar dengan bentuk aneh yang ada di lantai kami. Peri mengatakan kepada saya itu adalah taman tetapi sebagai peri, itu tak terlukiskan … "

Yihi menyatakan kepada Julliom bahwa dia telah membuat taman yang bagus. Dia sepertinya berbicara tentang struktur berbentuk kotoran. Perasaan estetika dark elf menerima kejutan dari struktur itu.

Aku mengangguk ringan.

"Aku akan mengizinkannya."

"Terima kasih!"

"Apa yang diinginkan para kurcaci?"

Saya melihat ke arah para kurcaci.

Mata kepala Stein menyala.

"Master Penjara Bawah Tanah. Saya telah menemukan beberapa mineral yang tidak biasa di seluruh penjara bawah tanah. Apakah Anda mengizinkan saya untuk menggali dan memperbaikinya? "

“Aku juga akan membiarkan ini. Namun, setengah dari hal-hal yang dibuat akan dikirimkan kepada saya. "

"Aku akan ingat itu, Dungeon Master!"

Para kurcaci adalah spesies yang terobsesi dengan membuat sesuatu.

Mineral yang tidak biasa ditemukan di penjara bawah tanah ini. Setengah dari mereka akan diserahkan kepada saya.


"Dan aku harus memberikan lantai terpisah untuk para kurcaci."

Aku memandangi wajah-wajah bersemangat para kurcaci. Mereka punya banyak pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan sehingga saya harus memberi mereka satu lantai.

‘Cepat atau lambat, Awakened akan melewati lantai 4 untuk mencapai lantai 5. Setelah itu, mereka akan merasakan frustrasi lava yang diisi lantai 6 dan stamina mereka akan dikonsumsi. '

Saya terkunci dalam pikiran.

Lantai 5 dan 6 akan menyusahkan yang Bangkit. Maka itu perlu untuk menyesuaikan langkah di lantai 7.

‘Perbaiki senjata mereka dan pulihkan stamina mereka. Jenis zona aman … "

Setan normal benar-benar tidak akan mengizinkan ini. Tetapi saya berjalan di rute yang sama sekali berbeda.

Sampai taraf tertentu, memahami manusia adalah permainan favorit dalam kehidupan saya sebelumnya. Karena itu, saya tahu cara memanfaatkan fokus mereka.

Fleksibilitas ini hanya ada untuk saya.

‘Mendapatkan informasi dari Yang Bangkit dengan imbalan mereka membunuh makhluk-makhluk itu. Sangat membosankan untuk mengumpulkan barang satu per satu. Chrisley juga akan menemukan membuat undead lebih mudah. ​​'

Membuat undead bisa dengan cepat meningkatkan skill Undead Manufacturing.

Bagaimanapun, kekuatan sihir di dalam makhluk hanya akan kembali ke ruang bawah tanah atau dimakan oleh makhluk lain. Itu akan sangat membosankan. Jadi itu ide yang baik untuk meninggalkan ini dengan manusia yang terbangun.

Saya berbicara setelah mengatur pikiran saya.

"Dengarkan kurcaci."

Para kurcaci berbalik untuk menatapnya.

"Kami mendengarkan."

“Aku akan memberimu tempat tinggal di lantai 7. Tetapi peran Anda adalah membantu Yang Bangkit, bukan menghentikan mereka. ”

Kepala kurcaci Stein berkata dengan nada yang mengerikan.


"… Kami tidak mengerti kata-katamu, Dungeon Master."

“Para kurcaci akan hidup di lantai 7 untuk kenyamanan manusia yang Bangkit. Mereka akan lelah dan lelah pada awalnya, tetapi setelah sambutan Anda, mereka akan segera meminta informasi. Beri tahu mereka apa yang Anda ketahui. Selain itu, perbaiki peralatan mereka dan dapatkan mayat makhluk itu. Itulah dua tugas yang dituntut dari Anda. ”

Saya harus berhati-hati dengan informasi yang diposting di internet. Saya tidak bisa menuliskan semuanya sehingga peran kurcaci sangat penting.

Itu tidak cukup untuk mendapatkan tubuh mereka. Saya selalu mencari efisiensi.

"Bawalah mayat-mayat yang diperoleh Chrisley. Namun, laporkan kepada Yihi informasi yang Anda bagikan dengan Yang Bangkit. Selain itu … Anda tidak perlu peduli dengan Yang Bangkit. "

“Manusia adalah orang yang mencurigakan. Bagaimana jika mereka menyerang lebih dulu? "

“Manusia saat ini memiliki level yang sangat rendah. Dan jumlah mereka akan berkurang sebelum mencapai lantai 7 yang penuh dengan kurcaci. Jumlah mereka tidak akan cukup untuk mengancam Anda. "

"Kami akan mengikuti kata-katamu!"

Kehilangan beberapa kurcaci tidak akan memberi saya banyak kerusakan. Salah satunya berharga 5.500 poin sehingga tidak ada alasan saya tidak bisa menambah jumlahnya hingga 100.

Setelah laporan kinerja, saya melihat ke 4 pyrocks lagi. Mereka mengambang di lava sambil menatapku. Naluri mereka berarti mereka secara alami condong ke Master Penjara Bawah Tanah.

Tetapi jelas bahwa seseorang bersikap lembut terhadap mereka.

"Siapa yang melatih pirocks?"

Julliom menjawab.

"Chrisley, Master Penjara Bawah Tanah."

Aku tahu itu.

Saya bisa menebak siapa yang punya andil dalam mengangkat bebatuan. Sejak Chrisley menjalani ritual itu, dia tidak pernah mengkhianati harapan saya.

Aku mengangguk.

"Chrisley maju."


Chrisley yang duduk di tengah-tengah elf gelap maju ke depan. Selain Yihi, dia adalah satu-satunya yang diizinkan begitu dekat denganku.

Saya senang melihat foto-foto orang dewasa, tetapi pertumbuhan Chrisley yang luar biasa lebih memuaskan.

Terutama setelah dia mengubah sejumlah besar manusia menjadi zombie. Berkat itu, itu mungkin untuk mengisi tempat-tempat kosong yang ditinggalkan oleh gelombang monster.

Dalam situasi saat ini, Chrisley adalah yang paling berguna.

Saya mengamati wajahnya dan berkata.

"Chrisley. Mulai sekarang, Anda akan menemukan tempat-tempat khusus di ruang bawah tanah dengan pirocks. Apakah mungkin untuk menavigasi ke tempat-tempat dengan kekuatan sihir yang kuat? "

"Itu mungkin."

Chrisley menjawab dengan percaya diri.

Aku mengangguk.

"Baik. Pimpin makhluk kecil dan cari tempat dengan sihir api yang kuat. Jangan lupa melaporkannya kepada saya terlebih dahulu sebelum masuk. "

"Aku akan mengingatnya, Dungeon Master-ku."

3 hari kemudian.

Chrisley datang mencari saya.

"Aku menemukan tiga tempat dengan sihir api yang kuat."

Saya berharap itu akan memakan waktu seminggu jadi saya terkejut dengan perputaran cepat. Tidak peduli seberapa cepat kaki elf gelap, 3 hari cukup singkat untuk pencarian. Mereka pasti telah menjelajahi ruang bawah tanah tanpa tidur.

Saya berbicara dengan senyum puas.

"Ayo pergi bersama. Bimbing aku ke tempat dengan kekuatan sihir paling kuat. ”

Chrisley tertawa, memperlihatkan lesung pipi.


“Saya dengan senang hati akan melakukannya. Master Penjara Bawah Tanahku. ”

Sementara itu, dia mulai menambahkan 'milikku' ke Dungeon Master.

Apakah karena upacara? Entah bagaimana rasanya telingaku berdenging.

* * *

Lantai 29 penjara bawah tanah.

Burung-burung kecil yang bertindak seperti anjing hiperaktif tiba-tiba berhenti di depan salah satu dinding.

"Ada sesuatu di sana."

Saya memiliki 90 kekuatan sihir. Saya bisa merasakan panjang gelombang kekuatan sihir yang mengalir sekitar sampai batas tertentu.

Saya meletakkan tangan saya di dinding dan memperhatikan bagian yang lebih tipis.

Saya mengumpulkan kekuatan di tangan saya dan segera menjatuhkannya.


Kekuatan superior saya dan kekuatan Teknik Dewa Petir berarti tembok bawah tanah tidak memiliki peluang. Saya mengulangi tindakan beberapa kali dan segera dinding itu benar-benar dihancurkan, mengungkapkan sisi lain.

Itu pada saat itu.

-Pencapaian yang hebat! Salah satu dari empat altar yang ada di ruang bawah tanah, Altar Api telah ditemukan.

Setelah altar runtuh, kekuatan sihir akan mulai beredar di sekitar ruang bawah tanah. Selain itu, penghalang di luar dungeon yang melindunginya akan menguap.

-2 Golem Api telah diberikan sebagai kompensasi.

Di balik tembok ada dua golem api besar yang melindungi altar.

"Aku sudah menemukannya."

Mahluk 3Lv tingkat lanjut. Ini adalah kompensasi dan saya dapat memperoleh dua makhluk yang bernilai 170.000 pt.


"Aku harus mencari altar lain nanti."

Sebelumnya saya dengan cepat kehilangan ruang bawah tanah saya. Saya tidak tahu di mana altar berada. Setan dalam kehidupan saya sebelumnya hanya menemukannya secara kebetulan.

"Tembakkan golem …"

Gumam Chrisley. Burung-burung kecil mengikutinya menyusut ketakutan. Makhluk lain berada di kelas yang sama sekali berbeda.

"Jangan takut. Golem api tidak akan bergerak tanpa instruksi saya. "

"Saya mengerti. Ngomong-ngomong, tempat apa ini? ”

"Mezbah api. Itu menyesuaikan aliran kekuatan sihir melalui ruang bawah tanah. ”

Ngomong-ngomong, akulah yang bisa membuat golem api bekerja.

Aku akan pergi ketika Chrisley membuka mulutnya.

"Surat-surat mengambang di udara. Apakah kamu melihatnya?"


Saya melihat sekeliling altar dan tidak melihat surat apa pun. Saya tidak pernah mendengar hal seperti itu tetapi Chrisley tidak akan berbohong.

"Aku pikir informasinya terkait dengan penjara bawah tanah."


Hati-hati Chrisley membuka mulutnya.

“Ini adalah tempat dewa yang jatuh. Tempat di dalam penjara bawah tanah. Saya adalah Dewa Kebijaksanaan, Minerva. Engkau akan … Engkau yang memperoleh hikmat-Ku, Aku akan memberimu satu hadiah terakhir. "

Ekspresi saya berubah saat saya mendengar kata-kata Chrisley.


Itu adalah nama salah satu dewa yang memainkan peran yang menentukan dalam kepulanganku. Saya telah membuat kesepakatan dengan mereka di akhir untuk kembali.

Jadi mengapa nama itu ada di sini?

Selain itu, saya tidak bisa melihat surat-surat itu. Ungkapan itu hanya bisa dilihat oleh Chrisley.


"Mungkin itu karena kecerdasan Chrisley mencapai 100."

Itu hanya tebakan.

Dan pada saat itu, retakan muncul di atas altar. Celah itu diresapi dengan kekuatan sihir kacau dan kekuatan ilahi.

Makhluk raksasa terungkap melalui celah itu.


Itu memiliki kepala elang tetapi ukurannya tidak ada bandingannya. Makhluk yang sama sekali berbeda dari golem api.


Chrisley terkejut.

Salah satu makhluk petir terbaik, Griffin …!

Itu adalah makhluk kelas tinggi dan perbedaan antara makhluk menengah dan maju seperti perbedaan antara langit dan bumi.


Aku memandangi Griffin yang duduk di lantai. Itu memiliki kehadiran yang mulia yang bahkan membuat golem api terlihat kecil.

Saya membuka Mind's Eye untuk memeriksa status griffin.

Nama: Griffin


Kekuatan 88 Kecerdasan 77

Agility 69 Stamina 84

Kekuatan Ajaib 85

Potensi: (403/405)

Keunikan: Hewan peliharaan yang dibesarkan oleh Dewi Kebijaksanaan Minerva. Tetapi sebagai bantuan terakhir setelah kematiannya, ia mengakui Randalph Brigsiel sebagai pemilik barunya.

Keterampilan: Api dan Petir (Epik)

Makhluk kelas tinggi dengan statistik di atas 400.

Itu mirip dengan level saya ketika saya memiliki Wrath, judul saya dan semua opsi khusus. Tapi tidak seperti saya, griffin dioptimalkan untuk serangan.

Jika griffin muncul sekarang maka itu akan menjadi bencana. Saat ini, tidak ada setan dengan makhluk kelas tinggi. Makhluk kelas tinggi hanya bisa diperoleh dari Lelang Dunia Iblis atau acara khusus.

"Apakah ada lebih banyak di ruang bawah tanah lainnya?"

Ini adalah hadiah terakhir dari Minerva. Namun ada tiga altar lagi yang mungkin memiliki sesuatu di sana.


Bagaimana dengan ruang bawah tanah lainnya?

Tempat para dewa yang jatuh. Saya memiliki perjanjian dengan para dewa yang jatuh. Jika ruang bawah tanah lainnya berisi tempat para dewa jatuh maka mungkin ada hadiah yang tersisa untukku di ruang bawah tanah itu.

"Aku harus mengubah rencanaku sedikit."

Saya mendapat panen yang tidak terduga.

Griffin kelas tinggi berarti itu tidak perlu menyebabkan gelombang monster. Kekuatan luar biasa yang akan mendominasi manusia.

Tujuan dari gelombang monster adalah untuk dengan cepat meningkatkan pertumbuhan orang yang terbangun. Mereka akan tumbuh dan tetap waspada.

Sekarang saya bisa menggunakan griffin dan Chrisley. Jika saya menggunakan mereka dan golem api canggih untuk menghasilkan gelombang monster …

'Dewa-dewa. Saya akan menerima hadiah mereka. "

Saya membentuk kepalan kuat.

Awalnya saya berencana untuk membangkitkan orang-orang yang terbangun dan melestarikan makhluk-makhluk di ruang bawah tanah saya sebelum menghantam ruang bawah tanah iblis lain.

Gagasan itu masih tidak berubah.

Tapi … ada kesempatan untuk mendapatkan hadiah serupa dari setan lain jadi aku mungkin harus memeriksa ruang bawah tanah di dekatku.

Saya mulai mencari ruang bawah tanah yang paling rentan di negara-negara tetangga.

Di mana ruang bawah tanah terdekat ke Korea?

Cina dan Jepang. Secara khusus, ada lima ruang bawah tanah di Tiongkok. Tapi Cina sangat besar sehingga tidak terlalu dekat secara geografis. Saya lebih suka menyeberangi laut menuju Jepang.

D Penjara bawah tanah di Jepang berada di bawah kekuasaan faksi Grand Duke Upa. Namanya … Adol? ’

Saya merenungkannya.

Saya harus memilih penjara bawah tanah dengan hati-hati.

Saya akan melewati daerah di bawah pengawasan Grand Duke Upa. Dia memiliki salah satu kekuatan terbesar tetapi saya tidak peduli untuk Upa. Di paruh kedua perang, setan mulai bertindak egois untuk mendapatkan poin dan ruang bawah tanah.

Jika iblis membunuh yang lain maka mereka bisa mengambil alih penjara bawah tanah dan menyerap poin yang tersisa. Poin utuh di ruang bawah tanah bisa diperoleh sebagai keuntungan.

Informasi ini baru terungkap setelah 5 tahun karena kebrutalan Grand Dukes Upa dan Ariel. Tentu saja, tidak perlu dikatakan bahwa proses itu melibatkan perjuangan yang sengit. Dua Grand Dukes yang tersisa, Pandemonium dan Okullos menganut strategi atas kehancuran biasa.


Situasi saat ini adalah yang paling penting. Sangat mungkin bahwa Earl Adol dari fraksi Upa berada di Jepang. Grand Duke Upa akan memberikan sebagian besar perhatiannya kepada adipati di bawah komandonya.

"Aku harus membunuh Earl Adol."

Tujuan saya sudah ditentukan.

‘Jika saya meningkatkan ruang bawah tanah saya maka saya dapat menghapus Lelang Dunia Iblis dalam minimal 2 tahun. Itu jadwal asli saya tapi tidak apa-apa. "

Memperoleh mahluk maju dari altar akan memberi saya keuntungan yang pasti. Setan yang tidak memiliki poin untuk berpartisipasi dalam pelelangan akan memperkuat ruang bawah tanah mereka sebagai gantinya.

Di sisi lain, beberapa mungkin telah menunda memperkuat ruang bawah tanah mereka untuk menghemat poin untuk pelelangan …

Kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh pembunuhan Adol akan luar biasa.

Meskipun saya memiliki makhluk canggih, Krasla dan Chrisley, kerugian yang disebabkan oleh mengambil alih penjara bawah tanah baru mungkin membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun untuk diperbaiki.

Tapi itu cerita yang berbeda sekarang karena aku punya Griffin kelas tinggi. Griffin terspesialisasi dalam serangan dan ruang bawah tanah Adol tidak berdaya di depannya.

"Penjara bawah tanah pertama yang aku jelajahi di kehidupan sebelumnya."

Jaraknya dekat jadi setelah kehilangan dungeon, aku pergi ke Jepang terlebih dahulu.

Saya dengan cepat melewati ruang bawah tanah.

"Tentu saja … aku ingat dia bajingan yang sangat menjijikkan."

Setan normal di bawah Grand Duke Upa jarang terjadi. Itu juga berlaku untuk Adol.

Dia memiliki hobi bermain dengan para orc, kobold dan gnolls. Tampaknya membuatnya bersemangat untuk membuat para orc memakai pakaian dalam seksi. Makhluk-makhluk itu tidak mengerti dan melahirkan anak-anak yang bermutasi. Pikiran mereka terpelintir dan mereka dipenuhi dengan nafsu dan iri hati.

Aku mengerutkan kening ketika aku mengingatnya.

Iblis yang tidak ingin saya hadapi. Itu adalah Earl Adol.

‘Penjaraannya berisi banyak makhluk, terutama orc. Griffin adalah musuh alami mereka. "

Kenangan tentang kehidupan saya sebelumnya teringat.

Jika saya bisa mendapatkan makhluk yang lebih maju dari ruang bawah tanah maka saya bisa menggunakannya untuk mendorong terhadap ruang bawah tanah Adol.

Jepang agak jauh di seberang lautan tetapi idenya tetap di dalam kepalaku.

"Bagaimanapun, itu untuk satu hari di masa depan."

Rencana saya telah berubah tetapi tujuan akhir saya masih sama. Saya mulai bersiap untuk menyerang ruang bawah tanah Adol dengan mata bersemangat.

* * *

Golem api, es, bumi dan angin.

Dalam lebih dari 2 bulan, saya dapat menemukan dua golem dari setiap atribut.

Selain itu, saya mengumpulkan 250.000 poin lebih banyak selama waktu itu dan memiliki sekitar 410.000 poin. Karena itu saya membeli makhluk canggih 2Lv 'Turtle Island' tanpa khawatir.

Itu lebih kecil di tanah tetapi akan tumbuh seukuran pulau kecil di air. Ukuran dan pertahanannya membuat pengeluaran 110.000 layak.

Tetapi saya tidak hanya ingin memindahkan makhluk-makhluk itu. Saya memutuskan untuk menggunakan 300.000 poin yang tersisa pada sebuah lich. Lich adalah mahluk 4Lv yang mahir sehingga cocok dengan griffin.

"Lich … keterampilan yang bisa digunakannya sangat tidak konvensional."

Kekuatan lich meningkat dengan lebih banyak mayat.

Itu bisa meledak atau memindahkan mayat. Selain itu, banyak makhluk memiliki keterampilan kecil yang bermanfaat.

Jadi saya menyelesaikan konfigurasi.

Daftar makhluk yang akan mengenai ruang bawah tanah Adol adalah sebagai berikut.

Krasla dan Chrisley.

40 elf gelap.

4 pirok.

2 golem tingkat lanjut dari 4 atribut, dengan total 8.

1 lich.

1 Griffin!

Para kurcaci sibuk membuat desa mereka di lantai 7. Pulau Penyu adalah murni alat transportasi. Bagaimanapun, mereka akan sangat membantu ketika menargetkan penjara bawah tanah.

Kelompok elit dan terorganisir akan menyerang penjara bawah tanah. Kekuatan itu cukup untuk menghancurkan setengah dari Korea Selatan.

Harapan saya akan lebih rendah tanpa griffin tetapi saya mengangguk ringan pada konfigurasi makhluk.

* * *


Pertama 8 golem melarikan diri dari penjara bawah tanah. Angka besar lebih dari 10 meter.

Golem api menyebabkan api mengaum sementara golem es membekukan tanaman hijau. Golem bumi mengumpulkan bumi untuk membentuk tanah khusus sementara angin bertiup di sekitar tubuh golem angin.

Mereka diikuti oleh 4 pyrocks yang tampak seperti naga mini dengan sayap kelelawar, 40 elf gelap dan Krasla yang mengendarai Inferno.

Akhirnya, para prajurit mengamati Chrisley mengendarai griffin yang sangat besar.

Ini adalah skala yang sama sekali berbeda dari gelombang monster pertama yang kasar. Naluri semua orang berteriak untuk tidak mendekat.

"… Haruskah kita menyerang?"

Rantai komando tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan prajurit.

Apa yang harus mereka lakukan?

Tentu saja, jika mereka bertarung maka akan ada serangan balik.

Setelah gelombang monster ke-1, pertahanan ketat terbentuk di sekitar ruang bawah tanah. Mereka tidak berharap bahwa makhluk yang muncul akan berada di luar imajinasi mereka.

Pada saat itu, seseorang tiba-tiba berteriak.

“L-lich. Saya mendengar bahwa lich memusnahkan ratusan ribu tentara dan beberapa Bangkit di Prancis! Saya melihat video itu. "

"Apa? Lich? "

"Gila … bukankah gelombang monster di Prancis disebut Nightmare Day?"

"Saya mendengar serangan nuklir taktis diperlukan …"

Para prajurit mulai berdengung. Semua orang yang hadir takut pada keberadaan lich.

Gelombang monster yang terjadi di Prancis. Ada penampilan seekor lich. Dalam kasus Prancis, ratusan ribu tentara dan Awakened meninggal.

Mereka mampu menangani makhluk lain tetapi lich menyebabkan sakit kepala yang sangat besar. Tubuh lich kebal terhadap keterampilan serangan apa pun.

Pada akhirnya, serangan nuklir taktis digunakan untuk menghadapinya.

"… Haruskah kita menyerang?"

"Tunggu. Saya masih berpikir! "

Keputusan tidak mudah dibuat. Sulit untuk menyerang tetapi mereka tidak bisa membiarkan makhluk itu memasuki kota. Kerusakan tidak akan sebanding dengan gelombang monster ke-1. Itu tidak mungkin terjadi.

Tidak ada pilihan di tempat pertama.

"Mengutuk. Siap-siap!'


Tank diarahkan pada makhluk yang menjauh dari penjara bawah tanah.

“Kirim permintaan dukungan! Kami hanya perlu mengulur waktu! ”

Semua mata beralih ke barat.

Pasukan yang berkumpul di sini telah menghentikan gelombang monster pertama tetapi mereka dengan jujur ​​mengakui bahwa mereka tidak dapat mengalahkan lich.

Namun, itu sudah cukup jika mereka bisa membeli waktu.

Ini adalah operasi yang dimobilisasi oleh Angkatan Bersenjata Amerika Serikat (USFK). Mereka hanya perlu membeli waktu untuk dukungan dari USFK.

Kwang! Kwa kwa kwang!

Segera semua daya tembak terkonsentrasi pada makhluk-makhluk itu.

"Manusia miskin …"

Tetapi Chrisley yang berperan sebagai jenderal tidak peduli. Serangan kasar ini tidak bisa melukai makhluk tingkat lanjut.

Chrisley dengan ringan menampar Griffin. Dan Griffin menoleh! Itu mengisap semua yang ada di sekitarnya saat ia menarik napas panjang.



Keterampilan kelas epik, Api dan Petir! Keterampilan bernafas area yang luas muncul dari mulut griffin.

Pada saat yang sama, api dan kilat menguap semua yang disentuhnya termasuk tank. Pemandangan setelah skill berakhir bahkan lebih mengganggu.

Bidang yang hancur!

"Huaaaah …!"

Para prajurit yang selamat jatuh ke tanah.

Rekan-rekan prajurit mereka telah menghilang tanpa jejak. Satu-satunya yang tersisa adalah beberapa tubuh bagian bawah di tanah … itu seperti bencana alam.

Ini adalah kemegahan makhluk kelas atas, Griffin.

Satu serangan sudah cukup untuk membuat mereka bingung.

Pemerintah di Seoul mengumumkan keadaan darurat.

Daerah itu segera dievakuasi ketika puluhan perkelahian jet terbang di langit. Sejumlah tank dan kendaraan lapis baja juga bergerak di wilayah tersebut.

Beberapa helikopter berita mempertaruhkan nyawa mereka untuk menyiarkan adegan itu tetapi akhirnya kata-kata 'Kiamat' tersangkut di mulut mereka.

“Makhluk itu berkelompok. Tentara pemberani Korea Selatan sedang bertempur tetapi … makhluk-makhluk itu terlalu kuat. "

"Apakah ini akhir dari Korea Selatan?"

"Kami tidak tahu kapan pasukan dari AS akan tiba untuk membantu. Tolong doakan para prajurit. "

Setiap orang berhenti bekerja dan dengan hati-hati menonton layar tv. Mereka hanya bisa duduk dan berdoa.

Keterampilan petir griffin yang menguapkan segalanya dan kekuatan golem yang luar biasa. Kemampuan manuver elf gelap dan pirok bertarung melawan jet tempur.

Situasinya sama sekali tidak terlihat menguntungkan.

Diputuskan bahwa para prajurit tidak bisa menghentikan kemajuan makhluk-makhluk itu.

"Ah! Yang Bangkit! Yang Bangkit telah muncul! ”

Seorang reporter yang menyiarkan langsung dari helikopter berteriak.

Kamera berputar dengan cepat.

Lensa menunjukkan serangkaian orang berlari menuju Yang Bangun.

Mereka akhirnya datang.

Aku tersenyum.

Ratusan Orang yang Bangkit ada di sekitar saya.

* * *

Mata semua manusia terfokus pada Korea Selatan.

Ada benda-benda ajaib yang bisa menyembunyikan kekejaman itu tetapi saya tidak ingin menggunakannya.

Pangkat S yang sudah lama ditunggu-tunggu. Saya mulai mempersiapkan begitu saya menerimanya. Semua melalui akting palsu!

Meskipun ada perubahan rencana, hasilnya masih berakhir dengan kesadaran akan Kebangkitan yang meningkat. Saya merekrut Awakened dan menjual nama Pemburu Iblis. Di antara mereka, ada beberapa yang memiliki potensi rendah dan sedang.


Ya, makanan.

Upacara inisiasi … sejumlah besar makanan dikumpulkan dengan dalih 'menyelamatkan Korea Selatan!' Mereka tidak menyadari bahwa mereka hanya memberi makan diri mereka sendiri kepada harimau.

Manusia bertindak sebagai 'pahlawan' sejati, tetapi bukankah itu skrip yang saya tulis?

Tentu saja, saya tidak memasukkan Yoo Eun-hye dan Lee Ji-hye dalam hal ini.

Saya perlu menggemukkannya sedikit sebelum mengkonsumsinya. Singkatnya, rakyat jelata!

Orang-orang yang Bangkit yang berkumpul di sini tidak mungkin mencapai batas-batas potensi mereka. Itu hanya gumpalan poin.

Pada saat yang sama, semua orang yang melihat ini menghormati mereka sebagai 'pahlawan sejati.'

"Pertahankan Korea Selatan!"

“Kami adalah pahlawan! Pahlawan yang tidak takut mati! "

Momentum orang-orang yang Bangkit tumbuh.

Mereka hanya bisa menonton selama gelombang monster 1 tetapi sekarang berbeda. Kebangkitan terkuat yang akan melindungi Korea Selatan.

Selanjutnya, kata 'pahlawan' ada di jendela status.

Itu meningkatkan suasana konyol.

Medan perang dipenuhi dengan mayat para prajurit tetapi yang Bangkit telah menghadapi banyak kematian di ruang bawah tanah.


Lich menggunakan skill ‘Corpse Explosion.’ Kekuatan sihir yang kuat menyapu mayat para prajurit.

Ratusan mayat menjadi zombie. Kemampuan fisik mereka telah banyak melemah tetapi tentara merasakan tekanan besar.

Si cerdas yang terbangun mengejar leher zombie. Para penjaga dan penyihir juga mencurahkan keterampilan mereka.


Tubuh golem bumi bergetar!

Gema melewati tanah dan menyebabkan gempa bumi. Puluhan orang mati tetapi itu tidak menghentikan yang Bangkit.


Dan akhirnya, giliranku datang.

Sekelompok yang terdiri dari 100 orang mengikuti saya.

"Apakah kamu melihatnya? Munculnya para pahlawan yang berjuang! ”

"Masih ada harapan. Kemajuan makhluk telah melambat. "

Semua outlet media menyiarkannya.

Tentara mundur, sedangkan yang Bangkit maju untuk memblokir gelombang monster.

Mata jutaan orang terpaku pada mereka. Siaran real time berarti bahwa orang-orang bersorak untuk yang Bangkit di internet.

Para ibu rumah tangga yang melakukan pekerjaan rumah lupa ketika mereka melihat layar, para profesional di tempat kerja melihat telepon mereka sementara yang lain minum di bar dan fokus pada televisi.

"Ahh …! Sangat mengerikan. Lich adalah makhluk ganas. "

"Terbangun. Tidak, Pahlawan! Memiliki kekuatan. Semua orang bersorak untuk Anda. "

Situasi pertempuran masih tidak baik. Tapi rasanya seperti hal-hal yang secara bertahap miring ke sisi yang Bangkit. Harapan seperti itu membakar dada semua orang.

"Lihat ini! Ratusan pahlawan berbaris menuju makhluk yang lebih besar! "

"Yang memimpin mereka adalah kapten kelompok pemburu Iblis Pemburu!"

Pemburu Iblis!

Nama itu terukir di telinga semua orang pada saat itu.


Setelah kompetisi yang sengit, golem bumi jatuh.


"Golem telah runtuh!"

Yang Bangkit yang sekarat dihidupkan kembali oleh berita. Sudah lebih dari setengah orang yang Bangkit mengalami pertumpahan darah di tanah!

Sekarang salah satu golem bumi telah jatuh. Pada saat itu, semua yang Bangkit dan orang-orang yang menonton adegan itu menjerit.

"Jika mereka tahu kebenaran yang sebenarnya."

Saya tersenyum mendengar reaksi seperti itu.

Tentu ini adalah skenario yang saya tulis. Golem bumi itu tergeletak di lantai tetapi itu belum benar-benar mencapai ujung kekuatannya.

Aku adalah eksistensi mutlak bagi makhluk di ruang bawah tanah.

Setelah beberapa serangan moderat, itu jatuh sesuai dengan perintah saya. Tidak perlu berbicara. Saya hanya perlu membuka kekuatan sihir saya untuk menyampaikan maksud saya.

Golem bumi menyerah padanya sehingga serangan berhenti.

Orang-orang yang Bangkit yang berperang sebentar ragu-ragu.

"Ehh, apa yang terjadi?"

"Griffin akan turun!"

Yang terbangun dengan keterampilan mengamati menemukan bahwa griffin adalah nama makhluk itu.

Dan makhluk yang menyebabkan ketakutan di langit turun. Setengah dari kerusakan telah terjadi karena griffin. Griffin itu lebih mengerikan daripada 8 golem. Eksistensi seperti itu yang turun ke tanah menyebabkan merinding terbentuk.

Tetapi hal yang menarik perhatian mereka adalah orang yang menunggangi griffin. Pemandangan yang indah dan mempesona. Tapi entah bagaimana wanita itu memberi kesan dingin!

Itu adalah Chrisley.

Dia mendarat di depan saya dan bertanya.

“Keterampilan yang luar biasa. Siapa namamu?"

Itu tidak seperti nada biasanya.

Dia ditempatkan dalam posisi yang aneh tetapi saat ini dia sedang berakting. Chrisley melakukan perintahku dengan ekspresi dingin.

Dia mengenakan topeng setengah tengkorak tetapi yang ini menutupi sisi kiri wajahnya.

Ada alasan sederhana untuk ini.

"Aku ragu iblis menonton, tapi aku harus berhati-hati."

Setan tidak tertarik dengan peradaban manusia. Dan iblis merasakan kebutuhan untuk menghancurkan manusia. Kebanggaan mereka sangat kuat sehingga mereka mengisolasi diri mereka sendiri. Sesuatu seperti budaya manusia tidak akan pernah memasuki mata mereka.

Bahkan jika itu disiarkan di televisi, iblis tidak akan cukup tertarik untuk melihatnya sekilas.

Nama saya mungkin bocor pada mereka tetapi mereka tidak akan bergerak sampai mereka percaya diri. Tidak, apakah mereka akan bergerak?

Tidak diragukan lagi mereka akan membutuhkan waktu lama untuk mengonfirmasi hal ini. Saya yakin akan hal ini karena saya tahu sifat iblis. Selama waktu itu, saya memiliki keyakinan bahwa saya bisa maju sehingga mereka tidak akan dapat menyentuh saya pada saat mereka memperhatikan.

Aku menatap mata Chrisley.

"Tidak perlu tahu itu."

"Hu hu. Anda benar-benar memiliki keberanian. Tapi saya tidak suka orang seperti itu. Manusia seperti kamu bodoh karena masuk ke ruang bawah tanah milikku. Seseorang sepertimu disebut Awakened? ”

Mantra terjemahan dan mantra amplifikasi suara berarti bahwa kata-kata Chrisley jelas terdengar.

Semua orang panik mendengar ucapannya.

Master Penjara Bawah Tanah! 72 penjara bawah tanah secara bersamaan muncul di dunia. Banyak penyelidikan sedang dilakukan tetapi hampir tidak ada misteri yang terungkap. Ini adalah pertama kalinya seorang pemilik terungkap.

Chrisley menoleh.

"Dengarkan manusia."

Dia tenang dan bermartabat.

Kecerdasannya 100 dan kekuatan sihirnya juga sangat tinggi. Keindahan dan ketenangan yang tidak bisa diguncang oleh siapa pun.

“Belum lama ini, saya menjadi sadar bahwa manusia telah memasuki ruang bawah tanah saya. Kaki kotor itu berani memasuki ruang bawah tanah saya tanpa izin, jadi saya memberi mereka hukuman langsung. ”

Nada dan sifatnya sepertinya sedikit meniru Grand Duke Ariel. Grand Duke Ariel adalah iblis dingin dan ini cukup efektif pada manusia.

Orang-orang yang mendengar kata-katanya sedih. Jika itu benar maka gelombang monster ke-1 tidak akan terjadi.

Namun, Chrisley hanya melanjutkan tanpa peduli.

"Tapi itu belum cukup. Anda benar-benar tidak tahu apa-apa. Tidak akan sulit bagi saya untuk menyingkirkan negara ini. Anda baru saja melihatnya. ”

Kata-katanya memiliki kekuatan. Orang-orang telah melihat kekuatan tempur yang luar biasa dari makhluk-makhluk itu. Jika dia memanggil semua makhluknya …

Hanya membayangkan itu mengerikan.

"Manusia. Saya berbicara kepada Yang Bangkit. Aku adalah raja penjara bawah tanah dan takdirmu adalah untuk membunuhku. Sama seperti kamu membunuh golem bumi perkasa di depanku! ”

Mata Chrisley menjadi lebih intens.

"Aku adalah Master Penjara Bawah Tanah. Saya suka tantangan yang kuat. Kemampuan para pahlawan untuk tumbuh benar-benar luar biasa. Menghadapi orang kuat memberi saya kebahagiaan luar biasa. Terus tumbuh lebih kuat di masa depan … tapi aku tidak tahan untuk manusia yang lemah dan biasa menginjakkan kaki di penjara bawah tanahku. "

Kung! Kung!

Grrruk! Grrruk!

Suasana hatinya sepertinya memburuk.

Orang-orang yang tegang di sekelilingnya mengepalkan tangan mereka saat mereka menunggu.

Setelah 30 detik.

Chrisley perlahan membuka mulutnya.

“Aku hanya akan mengizinkan para pahlawan untuk memasuki ruang bawah tanahku. Saya sangat yakin bahwa suatu hari mereka bisa menjadi cukup kuat untuk menantang saya. ”

Itu pada saat itu.

Salah satu dari Yang Terbangun yang sunyi tiba-tiba berteriak.

"Tunggu! Lalu apa itu gelombang monster? Jika Anda berniat untuk tetap tenang mengapa monster itu melambai? "

Chrisley menjawab dengan sikap kurang ajar.

"Aku bukan penguasa makhluk di ruang bawah tanahku. Tidak semua makhluk di bawah kendali saya. Jadi, jika Anda para pahlawan ingin mempertahankan negara ini, keluarga Anda dan teman-teman Anda! Lakukan upaya lebih lanjut untuk menjadi lebih kuat. Makhluk di luar kendali saya secara bertahap akan melarikan diri dari penjara bawah tanah. "

Umpan yang cocok.

Desa kurcaci lantai 7 dapat diakses oleh manusia dan Dungeon Master memberitahu mereka bahwa tidak semua makhluk di bawah kendalinya.

Chrisley menatapku dengan mata ingin tahu.

“Matamu dipenuhi dengan kehidupan. Satu pahlawan, ada ribuan golem tidur di dalam penjara bawah tanah yang bisa meratakan negara ini! "

Ini bohong. Sesuatu yang membuat takut di hati manusia.

Hanya ada 8 golem tingkat lanjut. Jika ada beberapa ribu golem maka mereka benar-benar bisa menghancurkan bumi.

Chrisley berbicara dengan banyak kekuatan.

"Manusia. Pahlawan! Hubungi saya Pada hari itu, aku akan mengatakan yang sebenarnya kepada dunia. ”

Pidato berakhir dan makhluk-makhluk itu mulai bergerak. Tapi mereka tidak bergerak kembali ke penjara bawah tanah.

Chrisley memberi kesan "Karena aku sudah keluar, aku mungkin juga mengunjungi ruang bawah tanah lain" karena dia menolak untuk kembali. Selain itu, kehadirannya yang sombong berkata "jika seseorang melakukan kesalahan maka aku akan melepaskan makhluk tidur di ruang bawah tanah."

Semua orang hanya bisa menonton dengan tenang saat pawai berlalu.

Pengajuan. Itu adalah deklarasi kekalahan yang diam-diam.

Penjara bawah tanah itu adalah tempat yang tidak dikenal. Ada makhluk aneh yang belum pernah mereka alami sebelumnya.

Mungkin bisa melawan negara lain tetapi tidak mungkin untuk mempersiapkan tindakan melawan penjara bawah tanah. Itu tidak mungkin untuk menghancurkan ruang bawah tanah itu sendiri. Setiap senjata api yang memasuki ruang bawah tanah dinetralkan.

Apa yang harus mereka lakukan?

Abad ke-21. Berbagai negara akan berperang untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri. But it was impossible to understand the dungeons and creatures.

An overwhelming force that humans couldn’t resist so it could be considered a natural disaster. Natural disasters would cause great damage but would pass one day.

But people didn’t give up hope. Although the troops were defeated…

The Dungeon Master directly mentioned it.

The last card left for them was the heroes.

* * *

The body of Turtle Island in the sea started to rapidly swell.

It absorbed the water and quickly grew to the size of a small island.

Soon the creatures boarded it. And I was also among them.

We disappeared like smoke after reaching the east coast of South Korea.

Just like Chrisley, I was wearing a skull mask that covered the right half of my face. It seemed like one mask that had been split in half.

Dark black smoke rose around me like steam. This fog was caused by a creature called ‘Shade’ so that the humans wouldn’t recognize me.

But combined with the skull mask, it created a strange fear.

“It went better than expected.”

Chrisley who was next to me opened her mouth.

The scenario went better than she expected. Initially she was awkward but assimilated over time. No one doubted that she was the Dungeon Master.

Chrisley’s cheeks turned red.

“It feels like putting on a costume.”

“You should become familiar with it.”

“I will remember that, my Dungeon Master.”

She replied without even turning her head. I had carefully explained human science to her.

That’s why Chrisley was comfortable. After my explanation, she eagerly used her brain. She was starting to take the initiative. From training the pyrocks to following the script, she showed complete obedience.


I said after all the creatures had boarded Turtle Island. Soon the holes on Turtle Island released intense, compressed air to create a powerful shield of air.

Turtle Island took advantage of this air shield for large scale transport. It also acted as a strong form of defense.

Turtle Island began to dive into the sea.

The dungeon wave that took place in South Korea was broadcasted live around the world. The world had no idea where the creatures went after leaving the dungeon.

The creatures were moving around so they couldn’t relax.

Everybody was lost for words at a report that a giant turtle dived into the waters of the east coast. The creatures onboard the turtle disappeared in one move.

Destroyers and submarines urgently tried to search for them but it was too late.

And the giant turtle once again appeared at Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.

It arrived at Sagami Bay in less than a day.

Kamakura had no large buildings and was filled with many small houses huddled together.

‘We’ll walk from here.’

I had intended to advance to Tokyo immediately but the water depth of Tokyo Bay was too low. I judged that it would be better to move slowly from here.

Turtle Island once again dived back into the sea once all the creatures were off. I opened up my magic power to become familiar with the surroundings.

Chrisley asked with confusion.

"Di mana tempat ini?"

“A country the humans called Japan.”

“…This place is going to become filled with turmoil.”

Chrisley laughed bittersweetly as she summarized the situation.

“C-creatures! Menjalankan!"

"Eh? Those are creatures? Are they shooting a movie here?”

The humans were greatly surprised and started fleeing. But there were many humans who didn’t…

At any rate, it was only a matter of time until Japan’s self defense forces arrived.

I smiled coldly.

“We can arrive in half a day. Nothing will stop us.”

In fact, it wouldn’t even take half a day. All the creatures could arrive in Tokyo in a few hours.

There was no reason to treat Japan differently from South Korea. This territory would be under my jurisdiction so I needed to show an exceptional performance.

“Trample on all of them.”

At the same time, the 8 golems started moving heavily.

There was an event nearby and people started running away as soon as they realized the situation.

The golems were at least 8 metres high and they were taller than the surrounding buildings that were only 6 metres. They lightly smashed or stepped on the buildings.

Tatang! Tatang!

The police received a tip but they weren’t very helpful. The crude pistols were only useful against creatures like the kobolds. The lowest level creatures were the vanguard but the guns just tickled the medium and advanced creatures.

It was impossible as the golems reached out and squeezed the police cars.

I followed behind the huge golems causing destruction. The dark elves and pyrocks used their mobility while corpses were turned into zombies and joined their ranks. There were already over 300 zombies.

‘A high value.’

The expensive creatures were quite worthy. The 4Lv advanced lich cost 280,000 points but it was worth it.

The griffin caused overwhelming destruction but the lich stimulated the primordial fear of humans. Just that alone made it easy to work.

The griffin flew low above the ground and Chrisley told me.

“My Dungeon Master. The human soldiers aren’t far away.”

Fairly fast. It had only been 30 minutes since I left Sagami Bay. The difference with South Korea was huge so I admired their reaction speed.

“Prepare to meet them. The griffin will suffice.”

“I will follow your command.”

Chrisley bowed her head and lightly kicked the griffin. The griffin spread its wings and flew into the sky.

Soon the Fire and Lightning skill could be seen as it melted the Japanese self-defense forces.

Japan’s dungeon was over a radius of 3 kilometres in Tokyo Park. The size of the dungeon was different from South Korea’s dungeon but the composition was similar.

The size was always different from the outward appearance. This dungeon had 35 floors but I remember that the structure was complex.

‘We’ve finally arrived.’

I clicked my tongue as I stood in front of the dungeon.

Handling all the obstacles would be time consuming.

South Korea was my headquarters and this was the enemy’s territory. Crushing the dungeon of Adol who belonged to Grand Duke Upa’s faction would be a declaration of war.

Of course, I wasn’t really interested in Adol and Japan…It was just a formal work. Soon this area would be under my jurisdiction so I needed to let them know fear.

‘Adol. I’m back.’

There were many differences between what I was seeing now and my previous life.

At that time, I was the underdog who lost my dungeon. I had come to Japan thinking to make this dungeon mine.

Of course, it was another loss. I had a severed arm and barely managed to run away. It required 8 potions to restored my severed arm.

Just thinking about the humiliation made my body tremble.

But…the dungeon looked very small to me now.

Could Adol stop the current me?

At that time, I was alone but now I had many powerful creatures around me.

Griffin, lich, dark elves and pyrocks!

I was much stronger than before.

‘Please don’t disappoint me.’

I slowly entered the dungeon.

Unlike my dungeon, Adol didn’t gradually increase the level of his creatures. He had no interest in the ecology and randomly placed it.

The first thing I saw were the orc shamans. General Awakened wouldn’t even think of entering the dungeon.

It was followed by gnoll champions and arc goblins.

Quite a number of them had been mutated. There were very few creatures naturally born with mutations in my dungeon.

My heart was a little envious when looking at them but only the strong would survive. The ecological balance would completely collapse. The foundation to raise the Awakened would also be lost.

A vicious cycle. This result was due to Adol’s insensitivity.

‘Similar to my previous life.’

A few floors were for breeding. But this type of configuration continued to be repeated. I was sure of it due to my experience.

“I will take the lead from here.”

I knew the inner configuration of the dungeon. I led the creatures through the dungeon maze.

I mercilessly used Wrath as I quickly navigated the dungeon.

* * *

The dungeon’s top floor.

The demon Adol was in the middle of having sex with an orc when the fairy of the Dungeon Core approached.

“Dungeon Master. Someone is trying to invade.”

Adol’s expression crumbled.

“This lowlife bastard! I told you not to tell me when the someone is acting!”

“I-I can feel some great magic power. There are 8 advanced golems and a griffin…”

“Crazy bastard! A griffin is a high class creature! There is no way to get one yet!”

It was dismissed as a ridiculous story.

The fairy of the Dungeon Core shed tears.

“Really…another demon is invading.”

“Guyo! You damn young bastard. This isn’t the first time you’ve said such things. A fairy is really mischievous and conniving.”

The name of the fairy was Guyo. Just like many fairies, its playfulness made it cross a river of no return.

Adol’s fairy was very mischievous and full of lies.

Even if the fairy had a spiritual body, Guyo didn’t have a death wish.

Adol was a deviant demon that copulated with orcs. Guyo was regularly cursed at by Adol.

But now Guyo’s expression was desperate.

This was the one time Guyo wasn’t lying.

The high class griffin and advanced creatures were rapidly rising through the dungeon. From the beginning, they never seemed to get lost at all.

Right now Adol was just snorting incredulously.

It was upsetting that Guyo’s words weren’t believed.

“The real thing…”


Adol was immersed in his previous actions.

Guyo’s desperate words were covered up.

* * *

“How poor.”

I said reluctantly as I climbed the dungeon.

Was this originally such a lousy place?

In my previous life I had struggled in Adol’s dungeon and now I was easily climbing it. The Dungeon Master was in charge of management and summoning the creatures.

The Dungeon Master should be commanding the creatures from the top floor but I couldn’t sense his presence. It felt like they were just ‘released’ freely.

I lost one arm to something like this.

A dungeon at this level…

Bbuduk! I gritted my teeth.

Almost a year and a half ago. I used that time to actively rise. But judging by the state of the dungeon, this guy had no awareness.

‘The other demons will start moving soon.’


This guy was so busy with sex that he forgot his duties to the dungeon.

It was shameful for a dungeon to be treated like this so luckily I was here to save it. Would it be able to stand for the next 10 years? In fact, Adol came to a bad end under the hands of the Awakened.

However, the growth of the Awakened in Japan was a lot slower. Adol failed to properly manage his dungeon and everything in Japan was slowed.

But…it won’t happen now that I came here.

I would thoroughly change everything.

“My Dungeon Master. I have noticed many orc warriors.”

The griffin flew low. Chrisley spoke from above.

‘Did the strong creatures instinctively gather on the upper floors? The level has risen slightly.’

This would also happen if a Dungeon Master didn’t manage this place.

They could freely leave this place.

The more powerful creatures wanted to occupy the upper floors. That’s because it was more stable to be near the magic power emitted by the Dungeon Core . That’s why stronger creatures were assigned to the higher floors.

I nodded and said.

“Wipe them out.”

The 25th floor.

There was a great number of advanced orc lords. The orc shamans, orc warriors and arc goblins were the best among the intermediate class creatures.

On the other hand, I had nine advanced and high class creatures. A high class creature could easily take care of the intermediate ranked ones.

Quite a few ran away after detecting us. Those who stayed would have their blood spilled in vain.

The scene of a Dungeon Master’s dominance. Even if they died, the role of a creature was to prevent any intruders.

‘They won’t leave here alive.’

It was easy to take care of them. I was disappointed and appalled at how weak the enemy dungeon was.

‘There aren’t much points but…’

The creatures in the dungeon gave me a very small amount of points.

At best, they were the standard of 20 minutes of work?

Itu masih lebih baik daripada tidak sama sekali.



The orc warriors were rabble. There was no need to use the griffin. The dark elves were organized in a line while the creatures begged for their lives.

But I already gave orders for their slaughter. The dark elves didn’t spare those begging for their lives.

I laughed quietly.

Adol’s creatures were a disappointing sight as I swept through the dungeon.


I was puzzled.

‘Adol. Did he still not notice?’

Even if Adol hadn’t noticed, the Dungeon Core fairy would have noticed it. There were no defenses so it seemed like he really didn’t know.

‘It has to be.’

Anyway, I had no choice but to feel like Adol was dull as I approached the Dungeon Core.

I had already come up a considerable way so I would notice if troops were gathered.


Chrisley who subduing the creatures responded. She immediately descended with the griffin.

“What happen, my Dungeon Master?”

“Hand me the voice amplification ring.”

“Here it is, my Dungeon Master.”

She pulled off the ring from her finger and handed it respectfully to me on bent knees.


I shook my head as I wore the ring. I didn’t know why but hearing the words ‘my Dungeon Master’ made my body itchy.

“Cover your ears.”

The cleanup had finished.

Soon the dark elves, Krasla, Chrisley, the pyrocks, the lich and the golems blocked their ears. I opened up my magic power in order to dominate the creatures. I cleared my throat.

And I shouted louder.



Due to opening up my 90 magic power, my voice rang through the dungeon like lightning.


The dungeon shook. Adol was forced to stop his activities with the orcs.

“What is this magic power?”

“T-the intruder…”

Guyo’s body trembled with anxiety.

The intruders on the 25th floor were already approaching the 26th floor. There were only 10 floors left until the top floor. The intruders were coming without hesitation like they knew the way.

Judging by the speed, there was half a day remaining. It was quite late to prepare.

“My dungeon? Siapa?"

“A demon. Along with his creatures.”

“So all that nonsense before was true?”

“That’s right…”

Adol’s expression became determined in an instant.

“This useless brat! Why are you only saying this now?”

“I-I tried to tell you…”

A baseless accusation. Guyo tried to say hundreds of times that the intruder was coming. Adol had just ignored Guyo and focused on sex.

Adol spoke with a frown.

“Look up the exact configuration of the creatures that are invading. No, don’t. The crystal ball that shows the entire dungeon. Bring it.”

The crystal ball was specially modified in order to view the whole situation inside the dungeon. Adol had spent 100,000 points on it but it was worth it.

A Dungeon Master couldn’t know the details of those invading the dungeon without the crystal ball. Domestic Mode didn’t show the people invading.

Otherwise he was forced to borrow the power of the fairy but Guyo kept lying to him. Therefore, Adol had to purchase the crystal ball and modified it.

Guyo whined while carrying a huge crystal ball.

Soon Adol confirmed the magic power by injecting magic power into it.

“…This guy?”

"Siapa ini?"

“Somehow he looks familiar.”

I skull-masked man and woman. A dark elf in front wielding a red spear. Adol thought for a moment before clapping.

"Ah! That guy!”

Demon World Auction!

Krasla and Chrisley were sold there. And the one who bought those two…Randalph Brigsiel.

A demon that the faction of Grand Duke Upa hated.

He couldn’t forget.

“It is too bad I don’t have a means to contact Upa-nim.”

Grand Duke Upa only gave that to the dukes that followed him. Of course he didn’t know Earl Adol.

He also didn’t have a way to link to other demons. In the end, he had to handle the intruders himself…

“Huh…is that really the high class griffin? 8 advanced golems and a lich as well? Dragon cake was raked up over there. Besar!"


But now wasn’t the time for admiration.

The creatures were coming to the top floor where the Dungeon Core was.

Guyo was anxious but Adol just snorted.

"Bah. It doesn’t matter if he has some advanced creatures. No matter how superior the high class creature, we have the numbers advantage. It is impossible for them to win.”

High class creatures were extremely rare in the Demon World.

There was little chance to meet them but among the high class creatures, the griffin was on the low level. Adol believed that his higher number of advanced creatures could deal with it.

Adol stared at the crystal ball.

Randalph Brigsiel…

‘Upa-nim will look at me differently if I catch him.’

Due to that guy, Grand Duke Upa had suffered ridicule from the other Grand Dukes. Upa wouldn’t forget something like that. Adol’s prestige would climb if he handed over Randalph Brigsiel’s head.

“Guyo. Bring the advanced creature Ornish!”

“O-Ornish? Isn’t it still unstable? It will be hard to control.”

“I will direct it personally. As the Dungeon Master, it won’t be able to resist my magic power.”

Now Guyo was convinced.

The Dungeon Master’s commands were absolute. He could control ‘Ornish’ directly.

Adol gave a strange laugh.

‘There might be a high class creature but I have a hidden card. Randalph Brigsiel! I will make you regret coming to my dungeon.’

Unlike Randalph Brigsiel, he didn’t use any points at the auction. He used the collected points and special mutation skill to create ‘Ornish’.

A powerhouse comparable to a 5Lv advanced creature!

The result of a year of hard work.

Ornish would be a match against the griffin.

* * *

‘He started moving.’

I smirked after noticing that the behaviour of the dungeon started changing.

This behaviour meant that the Dungeon Master Adol finally noticed.

I happily increased the marching speed.

I was looking forward to the reunion with Adol.

It would be disappointing if I came up here without facing a satisfying opponent. Just imagining his power caused a smile to form.

And once I reached the 30th floor, I met Adol who was accompanied by countless creatures…

"Siapa ini? Are you Randalph Brigsiel?”

It was like meeting a friend after not seeing them for hundreds of years.

I looked around at all the advanced creatures in the surroundings.

6 advanced 2Lv orc lords, two advanced 3Lv giant trolls. Behind them were thousands of orcs and trolls.

Indeed, a formidable power.

Aku mengangkat bahu.

“You remembered.”

“A demon would be very stupid if they forgot! Have you come to swear allegiance to Grand Duke Upa-nim? Or a special pledge to me?”

"Tidak. I know that you can’t contact Upa.”

This was Grand Duke Upa’s nature. At most, he would only have Adol tell him where his dungeon was.

Adol’s face changed at my words.

“Hu! Are you that anxious to die? Or are you confident because of the griffin?”

The griffin was flying in the air. The griffin was designed for attack. No matter how advanced the creature, it wouldn’t be able to endure such large numbers.

“Is now the time to be talking?”

“Jangan khawatir! But before entering into battle, I will introduce you to my son Ornish.”

An odd shaped creature emerged from among the trolls and orcs.

That type of appearance…I couldn’t describe it.

The size was 2 metres. Broad shoulders like a troll and the face was as ferocious as an orc. There was a long horn on its forehead and the wings were like a giant gargoyle.

I had never seen a creature like this.

I opened up Mind’s Eye.

Name: Adol Luph

Occupation Demon Earl (Dungeon Master) Title * Abnormal Sexual Tastes (U, Intelligence +6)


Strength 69 Intelligence 68 (+7)

Agility 68 Stamina 61

Magic Power 70

Potential: (336+7/500)

Keunikan: Tidak ada

Skill: Life Combination (U), Body Manipulation (U)

[Relative Comparison]

Adol Luph

Strength 69 Intelligence 75 Agility 68 Stamina 61 Magic 70 Potential (336+7/500)

Randalph Brigsiel

Strength 88 Intelligence 66 Agility 76 Stamina 82 Magic 90 Potential (379+23/500)

Name: Ornish


Strength 85 Intelligence 51

Agility 78 Stamina 86

Magic Power 75

Potential: (375/391)

Uniqueness: An organism created by Adol Luph. The skin and tendons of a giant troll, the heart of an orc lord, the wings of a gargoyle and the horn of a unicorn were ingredients used.

Skill: Instant Regeneration (Ex U)

[Relative Comparison]


Strength 85 Intelligence 51 Agility 78 Stamina 86 Magic 75 Potential (375/391)

Randalph Brigsiel

Strength 88 Intelligence 66 Agility 76 Stamina 82 Magic 90 Potential (379+23/500)

‘Life Combination?’

In other words, it was a skill to create mutations. But its abilities were equal to a 5Lv advanced creature. A level that wouldn’t be sold in the stores…it was understandable when looking at the ingredients.

‘He must have used a minimum of 700,000 points.’

The 700,000 points weren’t worth it when considering the attack stats.

It could grow a little bit more but 700,000 points could buy something more useful at the auction. It also only had one skill ‘Instant Regeneration.’ It would be useless in large scale wars.

‘There are 8 advanced creatures.’

2Lv advanced orc lords, 3Lv advanced giant trolls and Ornish made up the main forces.

If I invested in the Demon World Auction and the Awakened then it would take me 3~4 years to reach this stage.

But obtaining the 8 golems and the griffin had dramatically reduced my time frame.

“Isn’t it dignified?”

Adol’s face was filled with confidence.


Sebuah suara terdengar.

I laughed and raised Wrath.

And then said.

“Sweep them all up.”


The 8 golems headed towards the orcs.

The orc lords pushed with their giant axes but couldn’t stop them. The orcs had a high reproduction rate but the orc lords were no match for the golems.



Lightning poured from the mouth of the griffin.

Hundreds of orcs evaporated.

"Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan? Stop the golem! Make sure the griffin falls!”

Adol was frustrated.

Shortly after the battle started. His creatures were being overwhelmed.

‘Numbers aren’t everything.’

Sometimes too many numbers could get in the way. The large number of orcs were just food for the griffin as they were destroyed.

Orc lords? Advanced grade 2Lv. The lich and golems had a higher rating. The lich and golems were very strong in power.

There were only two giant trolls.

The remaining ‘mob’ could be entrusted to the griffin.

This was a strategy I planned as soon as I obtained the griffin.

Adol grinded his teeth together.

“Ornish! Kill the griffin! Don’t let that damn bird fly in front of me!”

Kuweek! Ornish dripped saliva as it started moving.

I was about to use Wrath on Ornish when Krasla came up to me.

“Dungeon Master. Give me the chance to deal with that guy.”

I hesitated for a moment before saying.

“Krasla. You want to take on that orc variant?”

Krasla bowed his head even deeper.

"Itu benar. It is only an orc variant so there is no need for Dungeon Master to make a move.”

Krasla definitely wanted to be pitted against Ornish. The stats weren’t very different but Ornish appeared insane. The odds were in Krasla’s favour if he used his skills.

"Aku akan mengizinkannya."

“I will definitely bring you victory!”


Krasla ran with his spear. Ornish who was rushing towards the griffin was forced to stop as Krasla intercepted it.


If not Ornish then there was only one opponent left.


Ornish certainly wasn’t worthy to fight me.

The kings should fight among themselves. I should at least fight a Dungeon Master.

I moved around the dark elves. I walked without stopping until I arrived in front of Adol.

“We seem to be the only ones left.”


Adol’s face was flushed.

Tidak ada pilihan.

The griffin was wreaking havoc among his creatures. An Earl was lacking compared to a Duke or Grand Duke.

I kicked the ground.

Wrath moved vertically and struck his shoulder.


Itu terjadi dalam sekejap.

Adol stared at his torn left arm with disbelief.

There was a difference of 60 stats between them. Besides, I had crossed the ‘junction’ that was 400 points so Adol couldn’t resist.

I leisurely placed Wrath on my shoulder and said.

“Do you know why Adol was sent from the Demon World Auction?”


Adol who was in pain stared at me.

Aku mengangkat bahu.

“His ego is strong so shouldn’t I pay back his kindness? Isn’t it good that the spirits intervened?”

"Jangan bicara omong kosong!"

“Duke Pakan Griolli and Grand Duke Upa stood in front of me. And then he realized. That they wouldn’t be able to stop me.”

Adol’s expression distorted.

"Omong kosong! Grand Duke Upa-nim afraid of someone like you? You’ve only given me one wound!”

That blind, rotting faith.

But I didn’t pay attention to it.

“The other three Grand Dukes were watching. Pakan and Upa fell in favour. A Grand Duke and his faction were forcefully removed. So I can take care of Upa in the future. He won’t be able to beat me.”


The 4 Grand Dukes.

The demons had infinite faith in the Grand Dukes.

But that way of thinking was wrong. It wasn’t easy to change Adol’s opinion towards Upa. Therefore I didn’t bother.

Adol wouldn’t be logical involving this matter. Upa’s followers didn’t care even if he was a sadistic bastard.

‘This isn’t a lie.’

A thin smile.

In addition, there was no benefit in being under Upa’s employ. I was the critical factor involved in making Upa lose some privileges.

Thanks to Dubolong’s help, he wasn’t able to return to the Demon World Auction. And it was like a ‘declaration of war’ to Grand Duke Upa.

I declared.

“I will start with you. I’ll cut Upa’s limbs off one by one as I move up from below. He is too much of a nuisance to let it go.”

“I will tear out your mouth!”

Adol’s body started to transform. His muscles became bigger.

The Body Manipulation (U) skill.

But my eyes were still cold as I watched him.

“How foolish.”

I raised Wrath again.

This was just a provocation.

In the end, Adol was just a great disappointment.

* * *

-Incredible achievement! A demon has been slayed for the first time!

2,000,000pt will be paid.

Adol’s throat was cut.

A message window rose up stating that 2,000,000pt were paid.


In one year and a half, I had earned approximately 2.5 million points. But killing Adol gave me 2 million points all at once.

This was a huge first achievement but…it meant the demons weren’t fighting each other yet.

In addition, it was likely that a party of human Awakened had previously gained the achievement first. The Awakened grew steadily until they could match the capabilities of the demons.

Eventually there were one or two parties of Awakened that could defeat the dungeons. Among the dead were demons.

Kiik. Kieeek!

I turned my head towards the sound.

Ornish started to glow after its master died. It instinctively moved to perform the last command that Adol left behind. But it couldn’t use its regeneration ability so the assault was just suicide.

Soon Krasla’s red spear sliced off Ornish’s head.

The thousands of orcs were killed by the griffin while the giant trolls and orc lords were defeated by the golems.

Of course, there was some damage. 9 dark elves and 3 golems were lost.

"Tidak buruk."

Aku mengangguk.

It was less damage than I thought. There was also the reward from the achievement.

The results were beyond my expectations.

* * *

The dungeon’s top floor.

I stood in front of the Dungeon Core fairy that was trembling with fright.

"Siapa namamu?"



Guyo seemed to attach ‘Guyo’ to the end of his speech. A fairy’s name was usually something like this.

I said confidently.

“Guyo. You are dependent on me. Your previous master Adol was a very poor guy. He had a zero chance of becoming the devil. But as you have seen, I am different.

Guyo’s expression changed at my words.

Guyo had been worrying about this for a long time.


Guyo swallowed hard.

The fairies made a bargain with the devil to help the demons in order to become the Fairy King.

If their demon died then the fairy had two choices.

First of all, the fairy had no concept of death. But without the Dungeon Core, there was no energy. If a fairy lost the energy of the Dungeon Core then it would have to start from scratch again. This time could take billions of years.

So the first choice. Start again with a new core.

Second. Accept a new master. However, a new contract with shackles needed to be formed. Sometimes the shackles were so powerful that it could lead to their destruction. The penalty of losing the contract would significantly increase.

The following opportunities would be destroyed. Starting from scratch could mean eternal annihilation. It is an entirely different concept of death. An extreme fear that only the fairies would feel.

So…a fairy had to choose carefully.

Their new master must be someone with a chance to become the devil. It wouldn’t be able to accept a third demon. The energy of a fairy’s soul was used to form the contract and there wasn’t enough for a third chance.

Guyo looked up at the man.

At the same time, he remembered the battle.

He had overcome the difference in numbers, Ornish and the Dungeon Master. He already owned a high class griffin so Guyo felt dizzy at the thought.

At the very least, Guyo never sensed anything like this from Adol.

Adol was very angry after the discovery of the intruders. He had a very hostile attitude after hearing the name Grand Duke Upa.

The man said he overcome the powerful faction. The man seemed very confident. He had no hesitation to use his power.

Growing up…he might really become the devil.

Guyo slowly opened his mouth.

* * *

I was still waiting.

I knew the importance of this selection so I remained silent.

After several minutes passed, Guyo opened his mouth.

“Guyo won’t be mistreated?”

“As long as you faithfully fulfill your duties.”

“T-then…please let me meet the other fairy. Then I will decide.”

Guyo seemed to have already made a decision in his heart.

“That won’t be difficult.”

Fortunately this requirement was simple. I accepted and recalled an image of Yihi.

Thanks to the fairy’s blessing, I could connect and have a conversation with her.


-Siapa ini?

A fast response.

I verified that the connection was working and said.

‘Can you manifest where I am?’

-Ah, Master. Yihi thought that I was having a psychotic break. I suddenly heard a voice inside me. I’m really glad it wasn’t like that. Itu tidak bisa membantu. This is the first time Master spoke to me inside my head. It is natural that Yihi was confused. By the way, isn’t that the dungeon in Japan? It is regrettable that Yihi can’t help you in that dungeon. Ah, benar juga. What is the result? Yihi was so curious that I’ve been teasing the bees. Of course, I have no doubt that Master will win…

I broke the connection.

I nodded towards Guyo.

“Loosen the wards.”

“Ah…! Y-you have received a blessing! The fairy scent on your lips! Oh my god!”

Guyo’s eyes became as large as a lantern. And Guyo’s wings flapped excitedly.

“T-then it is okay. I accept. You are a friend of the fairies. I will believe you.”

The attitude changed by 180 degrees. It seemed like the blessing of a fairy was an important thing.

It was solved simply.

Guyo started flying in the air. The wings of the fairy sprayed powder in the air that formed letters.

“What is thy name?”

“Randalph Brigsiel.”

Intense light poured from the letters.

Guyo spoke with a serious expression.

“Does Randalph Brigsiel agree to be the fairy Guyo’s new master?”


“As the master of a dungeon, will you do your best to become the devil?”

"Tentu saja."

“The contract has been completed. Devil bless this fairy!”


It was the first time I had obtained a lost dungeon. The contract was much simpler than I thought. I was slightly bewildered.


There was an enormous surge of magic power from the Dungeon Core.


-A unique achievement! The first occupation of a dungeon was successful.

-The title ‘First to Occupy a Dungeon’ has been given.

-The title of ‘First to Occupy a Dungeon’ has transformed into ‘Dungeon Hunter.’


‘Dungeon Hunter’ is a special title given to the one who achieved two conditions at the same time, being the first to hunt a demon and the first to occupy a dungeon.

-Hunt more demons.

There are many more dungeons to occupy! Challenge an incomprehensible area. There is no way to know what is at the end.

The title was changed.

I was puzzled and checked my status window.

Nama: Randalph Brigsiel

Occupation Demon Earl (Dungeon Master) Title *Dungeon Hunter (residual stats +1 when occupying dungeons and hunting demons)

* Indomitable Warrior (Ex U, all stats +2)

* First to Receive a Fairy’s Blessing (U, Magic +6)


Strength 79 (+9) Intelligence 64 (+2)

Agility 74 (+2) Stamina 80 (+2)

Magic Power 82 (+8)

Potential: (379+23/500)

Remaining Stat Points: 3

Electric Power: 4GW

Keunikan: Heart of the Hell Monarch telah ditransplantasikan (Kekuatan penuh belum sepenuhnya dibuka). Changes have occurred in the Lightning God Technique since swallowing a huge amount of magic power. The results are unpredictable.

Skill: Skill Combination (R), Mind’s Eye (Ex U), Lightning God Technique (???), Wrath (Epic)


This was a title?

The rating itself couldn’t be seen but the description meant there was a chance to obtain ‘140’ stats.

70 dungeons, 70 demons!

It was virtually impossible to handle all of them by myself but my expectations were high.

Residual stats could be used to break through the limits. If I reached my maximum potential of 500 then the residual stats could be used to break through the limit.

I could sense the difference after having one of my stats break through to 90. I couldn’t imagine the difference once it reached 100. After reaching 100, it was also possible to rise to 110 and 120.

Maybe even more than that.


It was indeed a crazy title. And the title fit me perfectly.

I was walking alone. I would feed on the demons and their dungeons to reach the top. Hunting them would make me stronger and increase my stats more than some titles.

The status window showed my remaining points.

I received 1 stat point from the easter egg at the Demon World Auction. And this time I gained 2 for a total of 3 extra stat points.


A bright mood.

To be honest, I couldn’t remember any useless title in my previous life. However, hunting and conquering more dungeons would increase the territory I needed to protect. It was like a double edge sword but the title of Dungeon Hunter could make it a legendary treasure.

‘It isn’t over yet.’

The smile lasted for a long time.

Adol was killed and I obtained his dungeon. Now was the time to look for additional benefits in the dungeon.

“Guyo. How many points did Adol have?”

Guyo hesitantly said.



My smile was erased in an instant.

It was fortunate that I obtained 2 million points for being the first to hunt a demon. Adol had clearly used a lot of points to make Ornish.

I decided to invest 500,000 points in the Japan dungeon.

This had to be done first.

I used Domestic Mode to check the status of the dungeon.

The creatures were mixed together so it would take a long time to divide them.

At any rate, the breeding situation of the creatures wasn’t bad.

40,000 goblins, 10,000 kobolds, 10,000 gnolls, orc shamans…

“What happened with the arc goblins? There are too many of them. Did Adol summon them?”

The arc goblin was an intermediate 2Lv creature. It was similar to the common goblins but had much higher strength and agility. it was a tyrant known as the ‘Little Predator’ that ate all life around them.

There were 48 arc goblins. That number almost reached 50. Speaking of which, I could occasionally see arc goblins wandering the top floor.

Adol liked orcs so it was surprising to see any goblins.

Guyo shook his head at my question.

"Tidak. The arc goblins were a natural occurrence.”

“There should be a limit to the mutation. That is ridiculous.”

“I don’t know…”

Guyo was grouchy.

I started thinking.

‘Is this specific to the dungeon?’

The wavelength of magic varied between dungeons. The creatures would adapt differently. It was very rare but sometimes demons could find that specificity to use it.

This was probably why the goblins multiplied.

‘The wavelength of magic in this dungeon is a good match for the goblins. They can reproduce depending on the climate, flora or fauna.’

This was worth experimenting with.

“Guyo. Other than the goblins, push all the creatures in one place.”

Under the Dungeon Master’s command, it was possible for the fairy to supervise the creatures.

It was hard with the orcs and trolls who had low intelligence.

Of course, there was still a method with the creatures with low intelligence. If a kobold or goblin boss was summoned then control would be easy. It was necessary to spend a little bit of time on separating the creatures.

"Saya mengerti. This is the first task you gave me so I will work hard.”

Guyo said while flapping his wings. The wounds from Adol were very large.

‘He doesn’t say his name.’

This was different from Yihi. Was this the difference between self-esteem? The physiology of a fairy differed between individuals.

His jaw tightened.

‘An arc goblin will reproduce for survival. I should try some different experiments.’

I had returned but I didn’t know everything.

In particular, I was ignorant about anything related to dungeons.

But I was determined to take on this challenge.

I would be directly involved in the ecological improvement of the dungeon. It felt like I was a god. Perhaps this was meant to make the demons take more interest in the human world.

Either way…if my experiment was successful then I could apply it in South Korea. It would be more efficient if I could breed a large number of creatures that matched the wavelength of the dungeon.

While I concentrated on these matters, I had Chrisley search the Japan dungeon with the pyrocks.

The first thing I did was separate the creatures by floor.

The goblins were on the 1st floor, the kobolds the 2nd, the gnolls the 3rd, the 4th floor were the orcs and the 5th floor the trolls.

Now that they were separated, the natural predators disappeared.

‘The specific reproduction of the goblins. It will change when predators are gone.’

I was most interested in the goblins.

I wondered whether a large number of arc goblins were born to protect themselves from enemies or if it was influenced by the wavelength of the dungeon.

There was a noticeable change in the reproductive rate. The birth rate lowered after the predators disappeared. After observing the for 1 week, I was able to determine that it was reduced by 30%. This is somewhat credible.

In addition, the goblins had a hard time giving birth. Eight of them would die at once so the population would rapidly decrease in 6 months.

With no natural predators, it showed a similar birth rate to the dungeon in South Korea.

I saw it as natural selection. I needed to make certain choices if I wanted to maintain the population at a constant ratio.

But I confirmed that…the main cause of death was dystocia.

‘The survival rate is very high.’

537 goblins were born in a week.

519 safely came into the world.

18 had died due to dystocia.

That was different from my dungeon. The death rate of the goblins in South Korea due to dystocia was 20%. If this place was South Korea’s dungeon then 100 out of 537 would have died.

The difference between the figures were too big.

‘There is something.’

This feeling was never wrong.

If Japan’s dungeon was optimized to goblins then the South Korea dungeon must be optimized to a certain creature.

‘It might be due to the wavelength of the dungeon or the climate and environment. A source that allows the creatures to live in the dungeons. However, this transition doesn’t always match their body. If Japan is goblins…I need to find out the breed for the South Korea dungeon.’

All the creatures I’ve summoned so far. All of them failed to show optimization. I had no choice but to individually check the different species.

‘Of course, it would be foolish to fill the dungeon only with creatures matching the wavelength. If Japan’s dungeon was only filled with goblins then the weakness is obvious…I need to reasonably adjust the ratio. I just have to reference this.’

I thought about it in advance.

This was the type of worry associated with developing a country.

At any rate, it would help the development of the dungeon to find the species that matched the wavelength. This was still a hypothesis but if my theory was correct then I wouldn’t need to waste a large number of points.

“My Dungeon Master. I found a place that I think is the altar of fire.”

Chrisley came with the griffin and pyrocks.

I looked at her for a moment.

Even the griffin seemed to be obedient to Chrisley.

Anyway, she came at the right time.

I ended Domestic Mode.

The only things left would take time.

I nodded and said.

“Guide me.”

* * *

All dungeons contained four altars with different attributes.

The altar regulated the internal flow of magic power and maintained the powerful barrier outside the dungeon. If all four altars collapsed then the barrier would disappear and the dungeon would be exposed to human firearms.

Therefore, each altar had two advanced golems protecting it.

They were set to automatically attack if someone other than the Dungeon Master approached.

In contrast, the Dungeon Master could move them in any way.

But…I was more curious about the message left by the gods.

Sentences that required 100 intelligence to read.

I wondered why such high intelligence was needed as I had never heard of a demon reaching 100 intelligence. It meant that the demons couldn’t reach 100 intelligence.

Then the gods determined that I would someday reach 100 intelligence after returning and set that as the triggering condition.

Of course, the sentences wouldn’t appear if I wasn’t near.

I checked it through Chrisley.

‘Isn’t it too easy to obtain?’

This was a ‘gift.’ It would be fine without the trigger condition. But it was easy to obtain and easy to use. Wasn’t there any restrictions?

The degree of the gift was a griffin. The level might be low but it was still a high class creature. A creature that was sufficient as a hidden card. I judged that there must be some conditions.

Something that could be easily found with 100 intelligence…if I reached it then I could receive the ‘gift.’

But I didn’t reach 100 intelligence. I could only read it because of Chrisley.

Seperti sekarang.

“This is the place of a fallen god. Here is our grave and our shackles. We have returned to our origins. I am the Earth God Geb. Together with my will…receive my last gift.”

South Korea’s dungeon had words left by the God of Wisdom Minerva.

Now Chrisley read similar but subtly different words.

Minerva spoke about the place inside the dungeon while Geb seemed to give a cryptic phrase.

Grave and shackles. Return to the origins…

I pondered on the meaning for a moment.


A crack above the altar. Chaotic and holy magic power from Geb rose in the local area. A huge creature soon appeared through the tear in space.


4 metres tall. A giant warrior wearing black helmet and armour. Red eyes that reminded me of the dignity of a high class creature could be seen in the opening of the helmet.

Similar to the griffin that could be called a 1Lv high class creature.

I opened Mind’s Eye with dry lips.

Name: Gigantes


Strength 94 Intelligence 71

Agility 75 Stamina 92

Magic Power 74

Potential: (406/414)

Uniqueness: A black knight of the giant species that is a close aid to the Earth God Geb. He has a very noble character. He will not bow his head to anyone. Passing a test is required to obtain him.

Skill: Gigantic Slash (Epic), Arms of the Earth (Ex U)


He was looking at me with very angry eyes. It seemed a test was needed.

Saya mulai tertawa.

‘Let’s take a look.’

[TL Note]: Due to the nature of the Korean language, it isn’t explicitly stated whether Guyo is a male or female. I’m just going to leave it as male unless I learn otherwise. Then I will change it.

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