
Chapter 680 (END) – Book 18


Volume 18 – Gunung Langit Surgawi – Bab 45 – Grandmist Golden Banner

Diterjemahkan oleh: Labu

Diedit oleh: Phillip

Tiga cahaya berwarna menyelimuti Chehou Yuan. Pada saat ini, tatapan semua Dewa yang hadir di Gunung Surgawi ditetapkan pada Chehou Yuan. Mereka semua memiliki ekspresi yang sangat rumit. Ada kecemburuan, iri hati, dan bahkan keengganan yang mendalam.

Pertempuran untuk Surgawi Surgawi telah berlangsung begitu lama. Lebih dari sepuluh Godkings telah jatuh dalam perjuangan. Banyak Godkings juga menjadi pelayan Purple Mystic Mansion. Namun, pada akhirnya, Surgawi baru adalah Chehou Yuan ini.

"Buzz ~~~"

Tiga cahaya berwarna yang awalnya menyelimuti Chehou Yuan tiba-tiba melesat ke segala arah. Dalam sekejap, seluruh Gunung Langit Surgawi ditutupi oleh tiga cahaya berwarna. Aura yang lebat dari Harta Spiritual Surgawi yang agung telah menyebabkan berbagai Godkings gemetar ketakutan.

"Chehou Yuan telah menjadi Dewa Surgawi." Kata Jiang Lan yang berdiri di samping Qin Yu dengan suara rendah.

Jiang Lan telah mengalami Gunung Langit Surgawi terakhir. Dengan demikian, dia tahu betul bahwa adegan ini berarti bahwa dalam waktu singkat sebelumnya, Chehou Yuan telah berhasil sepenuhnya memahami Hukum Temporal. Meskipun orang lain mungkin berpikir itu hanya sesaat, tetapi waktu di lokasi di mana Chehou Yuan berada telah dipercepat seratus juta kali. Sudah bertahun-tahun yang tak terhitung bagi Chehou Yuan.

Setelah membuka matanya, Chehou Yuan tersenyum tipis.

"Buzz ~~~"

Selaput berwarna merah yang menutupi Gunung Langit yang Mulia lenyap. Setelah itu, Cauldron Harta Karun Spiritual dan papan tulis mengambang di puncak Gunung Langit Surgawi keduanya membubung ke langit dan mulai terbang ke atas.

"M N?"

Qin Yu menyebarkan Energi Tata Ruang New Cosmos untuk mengikuti dua item ini. Dia ingin tahu di mana Cauldron Harta Karun Spiritual dan batu apung akan terbang ke. Bukan hanya Qin Yu, banyak Godkings lain juga telah menyebar Kesadaran Ilahi mereka untuk mengikuti dua item.

Namun, setelah hanya sesaat, Energi Spasial Baru Qin Yu merasakan ketinggian puncak Alam Ilahi. Setelah mencapai titik itu, Energi Tata Ruang tidak dapat melanjutkan ke depan. Namun, Cauldron Harta Spiritual Spiritual ini dan batu apung yang sebenarnya mengabaikan membran pada batas maksimal ke puncak Alam Ilahi dan terus maju …

“Kemana kedua barang itu terbang? Ada apa di atas Alam Ilahi? ”Qin Yu bingung.

Dan pada saat ini, banyak Godkings mengucapkan salam dan memberi isyarat baik kepada Chehou Yuan.

"Chehou Surgawi Yang Mulia!"

Satu demi satu, suara-suara hormat terdengar di udara. Saat itu, Chehou Yuan yang telah menjadi Dewa Pengrajin hanyalah Dewa Surgawi Tingkat Tinggi. Namun sekarang, Chehou Yuan sudah menjadi Dewa Surgawi. Sebagai Dewa Surgawi, Chehou Yuan adalah seseorang yang tinggi di atas para Dewa ini.

"Surgawi yang ditinggikan? Surgawi Baru Yang Mulia? ”Jiang Fan memandang Chehou Yuan. Dalam hatinya ada perasaan yang mendalam tentang keengganan dan kecemburuan.

Dia telah memperoleh dua dari tiga bagian dari Segel Dunia Hidup. Mengapa pada akhirnya, Chehou Yuan yang menjadi Surgawi yang baru?

"Chehou Yuan, cepat ikuti aku untuk menghormati Tuan." Suara dingin itu langsung terdengar di benak Chehou Yuan. Adapun Godkings lain, mereka tidak mendengar suara itu.

Setelah Chehou Yuan menjadi Dewa Surgawi, ia berhasil mengetahui lebih banyak lagi. Dia tahu bahwa di atas Langit Surgawi pertama, Bulu Mengambang Langit Surgawi, Surgawi Surgawi kedua, Hukuman Guntur Langit Surgawi, dan Surgawi Surgawi ketiga, Surgawi Surgawi tidak diselamatkan, adalah orang yang bahkan lebih kuat, penguasa dari semua yang ditinggikan Surgawi … Tuan Lin Meng.

"Ya, Saudara Bela Diri Sulung." Chehou Yuan menjawab melalui Transmisi Suara Kesadaran Ilahi.

Chehou Yuan mengalihkan pandangannya ke Godkings di sekitarnya. Dia kemudian melihat ke Qin Yu dan mereka. Sambil tersenyum, katanya. "Qin Yu, Yi Feng, Jiang Lan, selamat tinggal. Kami akan bertemu lagi. "

Setelah itu, Chehou Yuan menghilang ke udara.


Tiba-tiba, ledakan yang mampu mengejutkan jiwa terdengar. Tiba-tiba, Gunung Langit Surgawi itu menghilang. Sekali lagi, seluruh Alam Ilahi telah kembali normal. Udara mulai bergerak, ombak mulai melonjak dan Dewa yang tak terhitung jumlahnya dan Dewa Surgawi kembali normal. Mereka terus melakukan apa yang mereka lakukan. Mereka yang mengobrol terus mengobrol. Mereka yang dilatih terus berlatih. Seolah-olah periode waktu sebelumnya tidak terjadi sama sekali.

Hilangnya Gunung Surgawi yang tiba-tiba telah menyebabkan para Dewa berdiri di langit.

“Haha, setelah bertarung selama beberapa puluh tahun, setelah kematian semua Godkings itu, aku hanya membuat gaun pengantin untuk yang lain. Pada akhirnya, semua itu sia-sia. ”Dengan marah, Jiang Fan tertawa terbahak-bahak. Setelah itu, dia langsung berteleportasi kembali ke Floating Snow City.

Asura Godking dan Blood Sea Queen keduanya memiliki ekspresi yang rumit. Pada akhirnya, mereka juga berteleportasi dan kembali ke tempat masing-masing.


"Paman Lan, Paman Yi Feng, Lier, mari kita kembali juga." Kata Qin Yu kepada Jiang Lan dan mereka setelah melihat para Dewa meninggalkan satu per satu. Bukan hanya Qin Yu dan mereka, selusin plus pelayan Godking juga telah kembali.

Setelah mereka kembali ke Purple Mystic Mansion melalui teleportasi, Qin Yu segera membuat keputusan.

“Saya rasa hanya tujuh hingga delapan bulan yang tersisa sampai selesainya New Cosmos. Mn, saya akan segera mengikuti pelatihan pengasingan. "Qin Yu tahu betul bahwa pada saat-saat terakhir sebelum penyelesaian New Cosmos, New Cosmos akan mengalami banyak perubahan. Itu juga akan bermanfaat baginya jika dia pergi ke sana sekarang dan dengan hati-hati memahami apa yang terjadi.

Di dalam Purple Mystic Mansion.

Qin Yu mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada saudara dan saudaranya. Setelah itu, dia langsung masuk ke New Cosmos dan memulai pelatihan pengasingan terakhir dan pemahaman sebelum penyelesaian New Cosmos.

Di langit di atas Alam Ilahi, Qin Yu serta Godkings lainnya semua berpikir ini adalah tempat tertinggi dari Alam DIvine. Namun, pada kenyataannya, ada ruang lain di atas place tempat tertinggi ini ’. Tempat ini berisi Awan Menguntungkan dalam jumlah yang tak terbatas. Di ujung Awan Menguntungkan adalah istana yang indah dan ilusi.

"Kakak Bela Diri Sulung, mengapa Anda begitu mendesak? Meskipun tuan akan mengumpulkan kita karena kelahiran Surgawi yang baru, hanya perlu waktu singkat bagiku untuk membunuh Qin Yu itu. Saya akan bisa kembali pada waktunya untuk melihat tuan di Istana Awan Putih setelah membunuh Qin Yu. Kakak Bela Diri Tertua, mengapa Anda menghentikan saya? ”Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia Celestial berkata kepada Floating Feathers yang ditinggikan Celestial dengan nada marah.

Pada saat ini, Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial dan Thunder Hukuman Exalted Celestial sedang terbang, satu di depan dan satu di belakang.

Sedangkan untuk Tae Celestial Chehou Yuan yang baru dan Tae Celestial yang Tidak Dikekang, mereka kemungkinan sudah tiba di pusat kekuatan Kosmos ini, Istana Awan Putih. Adapun alasan mengapa Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial lebih lambat, itu karena dia pergi untuk mencegat Thunder Hukuman Exalted Celestial.

"Saudara Bela Diri Kedua, apakah masalah master lebih penting atau masalah Anda lebih penting?" Suara Mengambang Bulu Mahkota Celestial terasa dingin.

Hukuman Guntur Yang Ditinggikan Hati Celestial segera mulai berdebar dengan rasa takut. Sebelumnya, dia hanya penuh amarah karena dia terhalang oleh Bulu Mengambang Ditinggikan Surgawi ketika dia akan menyerang Qin Yu. Baru sekarang dia mengingat kekuatan Bulu-bulu Apung yang ditinggikan Surgawi dan pengaruhnya di hadapan tuan mereka.

Dengan susah payah, dia menahan amarah di hatinya dan berkata dengan nada rendah hati dan hormat. "Kakak Bela Diri Sulung, terima kasih telah menunjukkan itu padaku. Masalah Guru memang jauh lebih penting. Kalau bukan karena Saudara Bela Diri Tertawa menunjukkan hal itu, saya hampir dibutakan oleh kebencian. "

"Bagus, kau tahu. Setelah kami selesai melihat tuannya, apa pun yang Anda rencanakan untuk dilakukan nanti bukan urusan saya. ”Bulu-bulu Apung Yang Mulia Surgawi memiliki ekspresi dingin di wajahnya.

"Ya, Saudara Bela Diri Tertua." Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia Celestial dengan kuat menahan amarah di hatinya. "Qin Yu, aku akan membiarkanmu hidup sedikit lebih lama."

Hukuman Guntur Yang Ditinggikan Surgawi ingin membunuh Qin Yu untuk waktu yang lama sekarang. Namun, karena aturan yang ditetapkan oleh tuannya dan rasa takut dari ancaman Kakak Bela Diri Sulungnya, ia tidak punya pilihan selain menahan diri. Namun, sekarang Chehou Yuan telah menjadi Dewa Surgawi yang baru, Thunder Hukuman Dewa Surgawi dapat pergi dan membunuh Qin Yu untuk membalas dendam. Namun, tepat ketika dia akan menyerang, dia dihentikan. Bagaimana mungkin dia tidak marah?

"Kami telah mencapai Istana Awan Putih," kata Bulu Mengambang Ditinggikan Celestial dengan ringan.

Di depan mata mereka adalah White Cloud Palace yang terletak di dalam Awan Menguntungkan yang tak terhitung jumlahnya. Itu adalah pusat di mana kendali Realm Ilahi, ruang Alam level Iblis Abadi, Iblis dan Iblis yang tak terhitung jumlahnya serta ruang kosmik Realm Fana yang tak terhitung jumlahnya berada!

Hukuman Guntur Taala Celestial segera menahan aura dan, pada saat dia menginjakkan kaki ke tangga Istana Awan Putih, dia tampak jauh lebih sederhana. Satu mengikuti yang lain, Bulu Mengambang Ditinggikan Celestial dan Hukuman Guntur Ditinggikan Celestial masuk ke White Cloud Palace. Seluruh White Cloud Palace sangat aneh. Aliran waktu dalam White Cloud Palace berubah tanpa henti. Kadang-kadang, waktu dipercepat beberapa kali, sedangkan di lain waktu beberapa juta kali atau bahkan ratusan juta kali.


Pada dasarnya, aliran waktu di White Cloud Palace terus berubah.

Di dalam aula besar di dalam White Cloud Palace.

Celestial Surgawi yang Tidak Terkekang dan Surgawi Surgawi berdiri dengan hormat di sana. Di tengah-tengah aula adalah seorang pemuda yang tampak kokoh mengenakan gaun dan meletakkan tangannya di belakang.

Hukuman Guntur yang Ditinggikan Celestial segera memanggil dengan hormat. "Menguasai."

"Tuan." Bulu Mengambang Ditinggikan Celestial juga berkata dengan hormat.

Pada saat ini, pemuda berjubah berbalik. Dia memiliki rambut coklat gelap panjang, sepasang mata musykil dan senyum ramah. Namun, pemuda berparas cantik ini menunjukkan kekuatan yang menakutkan yang menimbulkan rasa takut kepada orang lain.

Pemuda ini adalah orang yang disebut Qin Yu 'Saudara Kedua,' Lin Meng!

Ketika dia melihat tuannya, Hukuman Guntur Taala Celestial segera mengubur kebencian yang dimilikinya untuk Qin Yu ke kedalaman hatinya. Dia tidak berani bertindak tidak sopan sedikit pun di hadapan tuannya. Itu karena dia tahu bahwa sementara tuannya mampu membuatnya menjadi Langit Surgawi, dia juga mampu membuatnya kehilangan segalanya secara instan.

Di dalam Alam Ilahi dari New Cosmos yang hampir selesai, Qin Yu sedang duduk bersila di tengah udara. Alam Ilahi dari Kosmos Baru saat ini sunyi. Tidak ada makhluk hidup di sana sama sekali.

Jiwa Qin Yu telah bergabung bersama dengan New Cosmos. Dengan demikian, dia tahu betul tentang perkembangan di seluruh New Cosmos.

Dalam benak Qin Yu adalah model pengembangan untuk New Cosmos.

"Alam Ilahi adalah lapisan tertinggi dari seluruh Kosmos. Ia mengendalikan kekuatan lima elemen, kekuatan yin dan yang, dan kekuatan guntur dan kilat. The Cosmic Origin juga diperlukan untuk bergabung bersama dengannya. ”

Qin Yu merasakan perkembangan Kosmos Baru.

"Buzz ~~~"

Seluruh Alam Ilahi tiba-tiba mulai bergetar. Setelah itu, seluruh Alam Ilahi menjadi stabil. Qin Yu menampilkan ekspresi ceria. Lapisan ketiga, Alam Ilahi, akhirnya selesai.

"Meskipun Alam Ilahi selesai, masih ada langkah kecil sebelum seluruh Kosmos Baru selesai. Saya rasa masih ada kebutuhan selama satu atau dua bulan. "Qin Yu tahu betul bahwa apa yang perlu dilakukan New Cosmos sekarang adalah membuat tiga lapisan bentuk New Cosmos menjadi entitas organik tunggal dan membuat Cosmos menjadi lebih lebih sempurna.

Saat ini…

Kecepatan di mana seluruh New Cosmos menyerap Energi Spiritual Grandmist relatif lambat. Itu karena seluruh New Cosmos telah mencapai kondisi akhirnya sebelum selesai.


Waktu berlalu, New Cosmos lambat laun semakin dekat dengan kesempurnaan.

"Huff!" Semburan Energi Spiritual Nenek diserap ke dalam Kosmos Baru.


Seluruh New Cosmos mulai bergetar hebat. Qin Yu segera menampilkan ekspresi gembira. Cosmos Baru-nya akhirnya selesai. Namun, setelah itu, ekspresi Qin Yu menjadi tenang.

Dalam benak Qin Yu.

Dalam glasir keramik Qin Yu yang berwarna Nascent Soul, karena penyelesaian New Cosmos, aliran energi aneh dan mendalam tak henti-hentinya masuk ke dalam jiwa Qin Yu. Nascent Soul Qin Yu mulai memancarkan cahaya merah. Setelah itu, itu berubah menjadi cahaya keemasan. Setelah itu, berubah menjadi ungu kabur. Dan setelah itu, seluruh jiwanya menjadi kabur dan mulai memancarkan semua jenis warna, menyelimuti seluruh pikirannya.

"Buzz ~~~"

Jiwa samar Qin Yu tiba-tiba memisahkan diri dan kemudian menghilang.

"Haha, jadi ini dia, jadi ini dia." Qin Yu membuka matanya. Dalam matanya adalah sirkulasi nebula dan perkembangan kosmos. Qin Yu berdiri. "Setengah dari jiwaku benar-benar menyatu bersama dengan seluruh New Cosmos! Kalau begitu … selama New Cosmos terus ada, aku akan bisa eksis selamanya. "

Dengan selesainya New Cosmos, jiwa Qin Yu telah maju pesat. Setelah itu, jiwanya langsung terbelah menjadi dua. Setengah dari jiwanya langsung menyatu dengan New Cosmos sedangkan setengah lainnya menyatu dengan tubuh jasmani Qin Yu.

Untuk Qin Yu saat ini, jiwanya telah berubah menjadi ketiadaan. Mustahil bagi orang lain untuk menyakitinya.

Adapun tubuh fisiknya …

Sambil tersenyum, Qin Yu melambaikan tangannya. Segera, ledakan Energi Gelap dan Kuning terbang ke Qin Yu. Penyelesaian New Cosmos sebenarnya tidak memerlukan penggunaan Energi Gelap dan Kuning ini untuk menstabilkan lima elemen. Ketika New Cosmos selesai, Qin Yu secara alami datang untuk mengetahui banyak kemampuan aneh.

Dari kelahiran Cosmos, elemen yang paling menakjubkan adalah Energi Gelap dan Kuning.

"Hanya enam puluh persen dari Energi Gelap dan Kuning ini diperlukan untuk menciptakan Tubuh Kuning Gelap yang Tidak Dapat Dihancurkan" Dengan maksud dari Qin Yu, sebagian besar Energi Gelap dan Kuning masuk ke tubuh Qin Yu. Tubuh Qin Yu segera mulai memancarkan sejumlah besar cahaya keemasan Gelap dan Kuning.

Qin Yu mengulurkan jari.

“Harta Spiritual Surgawi yang Diagungkan? Dari cara yang terlihat sekarang, mereka hanyalah senjata biasa. Setelah Tubuh Kuning Gelap yang Tidak Dapat Dihancurkan terbentuk, saya dapat menghancurkan Harta Spiritual Surgawi yang mulia menggunakan satu jari. "Qin Yu tersenyum ringan.

Penyelesaian New Cosmos tidak hanya memberinya kemampuan luar biasa.

Itu juga memberinya banyak kemampuan luar biasa lainnya. Di antara mereka adalah kemampuan 'Penciptaan Kehidupan' yang paling penting.


"Alam Ilahi yang baru terbentuk ini benar-benar sunyi." Qin Yu tersenyum dan melihat ke Alam Ilahi yang baru terbentuk. Segera, air lautan yang tak terhitung jumlahnya muncul di Alam Ilahi yang baru terbentuk. Lima pulau terapung yang sangat besar juga muncul di lima arah timur, barat, selatan, utara, dan tengah.

Dibandingkan dengan Realm Divine Lin Meng, jumlah tanah di Realm Divine Qin Yu jauh lebih besar

"Terlalu sedikit kehidupan."

Qin Yu memandang ke laut. Lautan mulai berguling-guling. Seekor naga besar dengan panjang sepuluh ribu mil berenang di lautan. Satu demi satu, binatang iblis bawah air muncul di lautan. Setelah itu, tak terhitung jenis binatang iblis lainnya mulai muncul.

Qin Yu hanya menciptakan beberapa binatang setan sebelum menghentikan ciptaannya. Proses pembuatan New Cosmos ini dipenuhi dengan kehidupan dan peradaban adalah tugas yang sangat rumit. Untuk saat ini, Qin Yu tidak punya energi untuk melakukan itu.

"Sebagai pencipta Cosmos Baru, saya benar-benar memiliki sejumlah besar kemampuan aneh." Qin Yu tidak mendesak untuk kembali ke Alam Ilahi. Sebaliknya, ia mulai bereksperimen dengan berbagai kemampuannya.

"Huff!" Setelah berjalan keluar dari White Cloud Palace, Thunder Hukuman Taala Celestial menghela napas panjang lega.

"Setiap kali saya melihat master, saya merasakan tekanan besar." Tepat setelah itu, Thunder Hukuman Taala Surgawi teringat Qin Yu. "Qin Yu? Untungnya, aliran waktu di White Cloud Palace kali ini tidak dapat dianggap sebagai terlalu cepat secara keseluruhan; hanya satu tahun yang berlalu di dunia luar. ”

Hukuman Guntur Taala Celestial menunduk. Tatapannya dilemparkan melalui jumlah Awan Menguntungkan yang tak terbatas. Tampaknya Hukuman Guntur yang Ditinggikan Celestial telah berhasil melihat Purple Mystic Mansion.

"Qin Yu, Anda telah membunuh tiga putra saya dan dua cucu saya. Saat ini, ini akan menjadi saat kematianmu. ”Kemarahan dan kebencian yang Hukuman Guntur yang Ditinggikan Celestial terkandung di dalam hatinya segera membanjiri dadanya. Dia segera mulai bergegas menuju Purple Mystic Mansion.

The Purple Mystic Mansion masih setenang dan setenang sebelumnya. Seorang lelaki tua berambut perak dengan pakaian ungu muncul di Purple Mystic Mansion. Pada saat ini, tanda merah di tengah alis pria tua berambut perak itu bersinar dengan tingkat kecerahan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya.

Itu seperti setetes darah.

"Dia tidak ada di sini?" Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia Langit mengernyit. Dia telah melemparkan Kesadaran Ilahi-nya melalui seluruh Purple Mystic Mansion tetapi, yang mengejutkannya, dia tidak berhasil menemukan Qin Yu. Ini menyebabkan Hukuman Guntur yang Ditinggikan Surgawi meledak menjadi kemarahan. "Tidak disini? Yah, itu juga sederhana. Anda telah membunuh putra dan cucu saya, saya akan mengembalikannya kepada Anda dengan sedikit minat sekarang. "Senyum kejam muncul di wajah Thunder Hukuman Ta'ala Celestial.

"Qin Yu, kemarilah!"

Hukuman Guntur yang Ditinggikan Celestial tiba-tiba berteriak.

"Qin Yu, keluar ke sini!" "Qin Yu, keluar ke sini!" "Qin Yu, keluar ke sini!" …

Seperti segudang petir, suara Thunder Hukuman Taala Celestial bergema melalui Purple Mystic Mansion. Semua orang di Purple Mystic Mansion, termasuk bahkan para Godkings itu, diselimuti oleh tekanan yang menakutkan. Setelah itu, mereka semua dibawa ke alun-alun sebelum pintu masuk Purple Mystic Mansion.

Lebih dari seribu orang dibawa ke sini.


"Hukuman Guntur Ditinggikan Celestial!" Jiang Lan, Zuo Qiulin dan mereka segera mengenali siapa itu. Ekspresi mereka segera berubah sangat buruk. Banyak klan Qin juga berhasil mengenali Thunder Hukuman Taala Celestial karena mereka semua melihat penampilan Thunder Hukuman Taala Celestial melalui layar air.

"Bicaralah, ke mana Qin Yu pergi?" Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia Langit berdiri di langit di atas alun-alun seperti Dewa Iblis.

Hati para Godkings di bawah ini semua berdebar ketakutan. Tidak perlu menyebutkan ketakutan bahwa Dewa dan Dewa Surgawi. Adapun Qin Clansmen yang masih hanya Dewa, mereka sangat ketakutan.

"Hukuman Guntur Ditinggikan Celestial, apa yang kamu inginkan di sini?" Hei Yu adalah yang pertama berteriak padanya dengan dingin.

"Mn?" Hukuman Guntur Taala Celestial dingin berpunuk.

"Pfff!" Seolah-olah dadanya dipukul dengan kuat oleh tinju, Hei Yu mulai muntah darah dan langsung jatuh ke tanah.

"Pfff!" Seolah-olah dadanya dipukul dengan kuat oleh tinju, Hei Yu mulai muntah darah dan langsung jatuh ke tanah. Segera, kulitnya menjadi pucat. Kekuatan Surgawi Surgawi bukanlah sesuatu yang bisa ditolak oleh para Raja Dewa.

"Saya akan bertanya lagi, jika tidak ada yang menjawab saya, maka saya akan mulai melakukan Pencarian Jiwa." Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia Celestial berkata dengan dingin.

"Bu, kapan ayah akan kembali?" Qin Si bertanya pada Jiang Li melalui transmisi suara.

Jiang Li dengan ringan menggelengkan kepalanya. "Ibu juga tidak tahu. Namun, dia harus segera kembali. Si kecil, apa pun yang terjadi, kami tidak bisa membiarkan ayahmu terjebak dalam bahaya. ”

Lebih dari seribu orang dari Purple Mystic Mansion berdiri di alun-alun. Menambahkan pada hamba Godking, ada hampir dua puluh Godkings hadir. Namun, ketika dihadapkan dengan Hukuman Guntur yang tampak mulia, meninggikan Surgawi, para Dewa juga tidak memiliki kemampuan sedikit pun untuk melawannya.

"Aku akan bertanya untuk yang terakhir kalinya, di mana Qin Yu?" Ekspresi Thunder Thun Exalted Celestial sangat dingin.

"Haha … Hukuman Guntur ditinggikan Celestial, dengan apa yang kamu lakukan, bagaimana kamu bisa layak menjadi Ta'ala Celestial? Jika Anda ingin membunuh kami, maka bunuhlah kami. Adapun kakak saya, Anda bisa melupakan menemukannya. Pada saat Anda menemukannya, kakak saya akan memiliki kekuatan untuk membunuh Anda. "Hei Yu berkata dengan dingin.

Hei Yu tumbuh bersama dengan Qin Yu. Dalam hal hubungan mereka, kemungkinan bahkan Qin Feng dan Qin Zheng tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan Hei Yu dan Qin Yu.

“Hukuman Guntur Yang Ditinggikan Surgawi, Surga yang Tak Dikalahkan adalah ayah Hou Fei. Anda juga tahu hubungan yang dimiliki Chehou Celestial Surgawi dengan Purple Mystic Mansion kami. Jika Anda ingin membunuh kami, saya takut kedua Surgawi itu tidak akan membiarkan Anda pergi dengan mudah, "Jiang Li berkata dengan keras.


Dalam kemarahan, Hukuman Guntur yang Ditinggikan Celestial mulai tertawa. Langit Surgawi yang Tidak Dikekang? Chehou Surgawi Yang Mulia? Orang-orang dari Kota Hukuman Guntur sama sekali tidak tahu bahwa Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia Surgawi sama sekali tidak takut pada mereka berdua. Satu-satunya Surgawi yang ditakuti dia adalah Bulu Mengambang yang ditinggikan Surgawi!

"Huff!" Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia Celestial mengulurkan tangannya dan dengan ringan menekan ke bawah. Seribu orang ditambah hadir semua merasakan tekanan yang menakutkan dan semua ditekan ke posisi berlutut satu lutut olehnya.

"Sepertinya kamu yang memiliki bibir paling kencang, aku akan menggunakan Pencarian Jiwa pada kamu." Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia Celestial memandang ke Hei Yu dengan senyum dingin di wajahnya. Dia mengulurkan tangannya dan Hei Yu mulai melayang ke tangannya.


"Burung Rambut Campuran!"

Hou Fei segera menjadi cemas. Adapun istri Hei Yu, Bai Ling, dia sangat khawatir bahwa dia akan menangis.

Namun, itu semua tidak berguna.

"Kamu ingin membunuhku? Huh, jika kamu membunuhku, maka kamu harus bersiap untuk mati nanti juga. ”Hei Yu melihat ke Hukuman Guntur Taala Celestial tanpa sedikitpun rasa takut.

"Hukuman Guntur Ditinggikan Celestial, berhenti." Sebuah suara yang mengandung kemarahan terdengar. Ribuan plus orang yang hadir, termasuk Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia, semua memandang ke sumber suara. Apa yang mereka lihat adalah Qin Yu berwajah hitam berjalan ke arah mereka satu langkah pada satu waktu.

Ekspresi Qin Yu sangat suram saat dia menatap Thunder Hukuman Taala Celestial.

"Qin Yu?" Untuk beberapa alasan yang tidak diketahui, ketika dia melihat Qin Yu, Hukuman Guntur Taala Surgawi merasa bahwa hatinya berkedut keras. Anehnya, dia merasa takut dari Qin Yu. "Kenapa aku takut padanya? Dia hanyalah seorang Godking. "

Hukuman Guntur Taala Celestial mengumpulkan resolusinya. “Haha, berhenti? Sungguh bercanda, saya bersikeras membunuhnya hari ini. Setelah itu, aku akan membunuhmu. "

Tiba-tiba, Pedang Asal Dosa muncul di tangan Thunder Hukuman Taala Celestial. Pedang Asal Dosa berubah menjadi kabur saat disapu ke arah Hei Yu. Kecepatan Pedang Asal Dosa begitu cepat sehingga para Godkings itu tidak bisa menghalanginya tepat waktu. Selain itu, mereka juga tidak berani memblokirnya.

"Kakak, selamat tinggal." Hei Yu tidak melihat Pedang Asal Dosa. Sebagai gantinya, dia telah menoleh dan melihat Qin Yu. Pandangannya tertuju pada Qin Yu.

"Xiao Hei, kamu tidak akan mati." Suara Qin Yu terdengar dalam pikiran Hei Yu. Adapun Qin Yu, dia tiba-tiba muncul di hadapan Hei Yu. Sword Origin Sin itu langsung menebas ke tubuh Qin Yu.

Itu seperti pedang kayu yang menebas berlian. Qin Yu tidak terluka sedikit pun.

"Ini, bagaimana mungkin ini …" Hukuman Guntur yang Ditinggikan Celestial tercengang.

Para Godkings di bawah ini juga terpana. Hukuman Guntur Yang Dimuliakan Pedang Dosa Asal Surgawi Celestial adalah Harta Karun Rohani Surgawi. Kekuatan Harta Karunia Roh Surgawi adalah sesuatu yang mereka semua tahu. Namun, ketika tebasan mendarat di tubuh Qin Yu, itu sebenarnya tidak dapat membahayakan dirinya.

Qin Yu mengulurkan jari telunjuk dan jari tengah dan memegang Pedang Asal Dosa di antara mereka.

"Mustahil, mustahil !!!" Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia Celestial menggeram. Dia tidak bisa mempercayai apa yang sedang terjadi. Dia mulai tak henti-hentinya mengendalikan Origin Sin Sword, mencoba untuk memindahkannya. Namun, Origin Sin Sword ini tidak dapat bergerak sama sekali setelah disatukan oleh dua jari Qin Yu. Yang dilakukannya hanyalah membuat suara berdengung tanpa henti.

"Apakah itu mengejutkan?" Qin Yu tersenyum dingin.

Dia menggerakkan kedua jarinya dan "Bang!" Suara renyah terdengar. The Origin Sin Sword telah terbelah menjadi dua. Qin Yu mengendurkan jari-jarinya dan bagian Pedang Asal Dosa yang patah langsung jatuh ke tanah. Adegan ini telah menyebabkan Thunder Hukuman Taala Celestial menjadi tertegun.

"Ini, ini adalah Harta Spiritual Surgawi Surgawi yang telah diberikan oleh tuanku kepadaku!" Hukuman Guntur Surgawi Surgawi tidak berani mempercayai matanya.

"Harta Spiritual Surgawi ditinggikan?" Jari tengah Qin Yu dengan ringan menunjuk ke Pedang Asal Sin yang rusak. Segera, seluruh Pedang Asal Dosa mulai pecah. Itu berubah menjadi beberapa puluh keping dan jatuh ke tanah.

Hukuman Guntur Taala Celestial berdiri di sana tanpa bergerak.

Senjata terkuatnya, Origin Sin Sword, adalah ini mudah dihancurkan oleh Qin Yu. Kejutan psikologis yang dibawanya ini benar-benar terlalu hebat. Namun, setelah hanya sesaat, Hukuman Guntur Ditinggikan Celestial telah berhasil pulih.

"Tidak mungkin, ini pasti tidak mungkin, tidak mungkin !!!" Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia Langit menjadi histeris dan mulai berteriak. Setelah itu, dia menggerakkan tangannya dan energi yang menakutkan segera terbentuk di antara kedua tangannya. Inilah tepatnya Single Aura Eight Elements.

"Saudara Bela Diri Muda, jangan bertindak kasar!" Teriakan besar terdengar.

Pemuda bermata perak perak berambut terbang dari langit. Ketika dia melihat bahwa orang yang datang adalah Kakak Bela Diri Sulungnya, Hukuman Guntur Taala Celestial segera mengerutkan kening. Namun, ia masih terus mengayunkan Single Aura Eight Elements ke arah Qin Yu.

"Kurang ajar." Bulu-bulu Mengambang Ditinggikan Celestial berteriak dingin. Dia melambaikan tangannya dan kabur hitam melintas. Single Aura Eight Elements langsung menghilang olehnya.

"Saudara Bela Diri Sulung, mengapa Anda menghentikan saya?" Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia Celestial tidak mampu menahan amarahnya. Dia menunjuk ke Qin Yu. "Saudara Bela Diri Sulung, Qin Yu ini telah membunuh tiga putra saya secara berturut-turut dan juga membunuh dua cucu saya. Kebencian ini, aku tidak bisa hidup di bawah langit yang sama dengannya! Lebih jauh lagi, Pedang Asal Dosa yang diberikan Master kepada saya juga telah dihancurkan olehnya. Kebencian ini, Kakak Bela Diri Tertua, katakan, bagaimana aku tidak bisa membalas dendam? ”

Sudut Hukuman Guntur Mata Taala yang Mulia mulai berkobar. Matanya juga memerah. Adapun tanda merah di antara alisnya, itu telah menjadi terdistorsi dan bergetar tanpa henti.

Floating Feathers Taala Celestial sama sekali tidak peduli dengan Hukuman Guntur Taala Celestial. Sebaliknya, dia dengan hormat terbang ke Qin Yu. Setelah itu, dia membungkuk dan berkata. "Paman Bela Diri. Selamat atas kesuksesan Martial Paman. Guru telah memerintahkan murid ini untuk mengundang Martial Paman ke White Cloud Palace. "

"Martial, Martial Paman?" Hukuman Guntur Ditinggikan Celestial yang sangat marah dan ingin membunuh Qin Yu sebelumnya telah menjadi benar-benar terpana.

Kata Qin Yu sambil tersenyum. "Oh saya mengerti. Clayweg, harap tunggu sebentar. Aku akan pergi dan melihat Kakak Kedua bersamamu segera. "

"Kedua, Kakak Kedua?" Hukuman Guntur Yang Mulia Celestial merasa bahwa pikirannya hancur.

"Paman Bela Diri, Adik Bela Diri Muda Kedua saya ini sangat tidak sopan kepada Anda. Namun, Martial Paman, mohon berbaik hati dan biarkan tuanku menghukumnya secara pribadi. "Bulu-bulu Mengambang ditinggikan Celestial berkata dengan hormat.

Qin Yu ringan mengangguk. "Baik. Karena dia adalah murid Saudara Kedua, saya akan mengizinkan Saudara Kedua menangani hukumannya. "

Setelah itu, Qin Yu berbalik dan melambaikan tangannya. Energi kehidupan yang melonjak mengalir ke tubuh semua orang di bawah ini. Luka-luka semua orang segera pulih. Dibandingkan dengan Energi Unsur Kehidupan dari Godking of Life, ini jauh lebih ajaib.

"Kakak, kamu sudah menyelesaikannya?" Mata Hei Yu dipenuhi dengan kegembiraan.

Qin Yu memandang ke Hei Yu. Kasih sayang persaudaraan yang kuat melonjak dalam hatinya. Untuk sesaat, Qin Yu tidak tahu harus berkata apa. Dia hanya menepuk pundak Hei Yu.

"Saudara Yu." Jiang Li juga terbang. Jiang Lan, Qin Si dan mereka juga terbang.

Sebelumnya, semua orang telah melihat Qin Yu menampilkan kekuatan yang menakutkan yang bahkan melampaui Surgawi. Satu demi satu, mereka benar-benar terkejut. Tidak ada cara lain untuk menjelaskannya, hanya ada satu kemungkinan … Kosmos Baru Qin Yu akhirnya selesai.

"Lebih baik, Paman Lan … semuanya, tolong istirahat di sini untuk sementara waktu. Saya akan keluar sebentar. "Kata Qin Yu.

Sebelumnya, mereka semua telah mendengar bahwa Qin Yu akan pergi untuk bertemu dengan Mengambang Bulu Surgawi dan master Thunder Hukuman Peninggalan Surgawi. Hanya memikirkan hal itu menyebabkan mereka merasa takut. Surgawi Yang Mulia sebenarnya memiliki seorang tuan?

"Saudara Yu, silakan." Jiang Li segera mengangguk.

Qin Yu tersenyum kepada semua orang. Dia kemudian berbalik dan melihat ke Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial. "Clayweg, ayo pergi." The Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial mengangguk. Dia kemudian berbalik ke Thunder Hukuman Taala Celestial dan berteriak. "Saudara Muda Bela Diri Kedua, segera ikuti kami kembali ke White Cloud Palace."

“Paman Bela Diri? Saudara Kedua? ”

Pada saat ini, Hukuman Guntur yang Ditinggikan Celestial masih merasa bahwa semuanya itu aneh. Qin Yu adalah seorang Godking, bagaimana dia bisa tiba-tiba menjadi saudara tuannya?

"Cepat." Terapung Feathers Taala Celestial berteriak.

“Yes, Eldest Martial Brother.” The Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial immediately started to follow the Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial and Qin Yu. The three of them began to fly upwards. Soon, they disappeared from the sight range of the thousand plus people from the Purple Mystic Mansion.

“Brother Jiang Lan, did I mishear earlier? That Floating Feathers Exalted Celestial had addressed Qin Yu as ‘Marital Uncle?’ The Exalted Celestials actually have a master? In that case, who is the Exalted Celestials’ master?” The shock Godking Yi Feng received was also very great.

Not only him, those Godking servants Tang Lan, Putai Hong, Shentu Yan, Huangfu Lei… and the rest all felt as if they were dreaming. They were all thinking…

The Exalted Celestials were already this powerful. Then, how powerful was the Exalted Celestial’s master?

Jiang Lan, Zuo Qiulin and them looked at the ground. The several tens of pieces of fragments of the Origin Sin Sword were on the ground. All of them felt that their hearts were quaking in fear. The scene of Qin Yu shattering the Origin Sin Sword into several tens of pieces with an effortless snap of his finger appeared in their minds.

“What sort of strength is that?” The hearts of the Godkings were all palpitating with fear.

In the depths of the boundless Auspicious Clouds, within the White Cloud Palace.

At this moment, Lin Meng was standing outside of the entrance of the White Cloud Palace. Standing behind him was the Unfettered Exalted Celestial and Exalted Celestial Chehou. When Lin Meng saw the arrival of Qin Yu, he immediately chuckled and called out. “Qin Yu, we finally meet again.”

Qin Yu also smiled and nodded. “Second Brother.”

“Come, let’s go into the palace hall.” Lin Meng immediately started to lead the way in the front.

Whether it was Chehou Yuan or the Unfettered Exalted Celestial, they were both shocked. It turned out that the Martial Uncle that Lin Meng mentioned to them earlier was actually a Godking, Qin Yu.

Within the White Cloud Palace’s palace hall.

“Qin Yu, sit.” Lin Meng and Qin Yu both sat above the palace hall side by side. Several maids in the palace hall immediately brought forth all kinds of exquisite dishes. As for the four Exalted Celestials, they were respectfully standing in the palace hall.

“Qin Yu, before this, let’s settle the matter with Zhou An.” When Lin Meng saw Qin Yu’s expression, he immediately said. “Zhou An is this Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial’s name.”

Baru saat itulah Qin Yu mengerti.

“This disciple is guilty; master, please punish me.” The Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial Zhou An directly kneeled to the ground.

Qin Yu looked to the Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial below the palace hall. The forehead of Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial was drenched with cold sweat. Evidently, he was extremely scared. This Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial possessed a lot of sons and daughters. There was not only those from the Thunder Punishment City, there were also those that he had left behind in the Lower Realms. Actually, to him, losing a couple sons was also nothing major.

Merely, the Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial had held the high position of an Exalted Celestial for a very long time. For Qin Yu to offend him, he naturally needed to make reprisals.

And now, he was scared.

“You also know that you’re guilty?” Lin Meng said indifferently. "Baik. In that case, Zhou An, I would not give too great of a punishment to you. From now on, I shall strip you of your Exalted Celestial status and destroy all of your martial cultivation prowess, allowing you to reincarnate. As for whether you’ll be a man or an animal and what sort of accomplishment you’ll make after your reincarnation, it will all depend on your luck.”

Once these words were said.

The Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial was immediately stunned.

Qin Yu sighed in his heart: ‘According to Second Brother’s intent, this Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial would lose all of his martial cultivation prowess. In that case, he would likely experience countless calamities in the future.”

“No, master, master, didn’t you said back then that our Zhou Clan is destined to always have an Exalted Celestial? How could you strip me of my Exalted Celestial status? Why?” The Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial was unable to accept it.

Lin Meng’s expression turned cold. “Your Zhou Clan is indeed destined to always have an Exalted Celestial. However, it does not signify that it would forever be you. You, Zhou An, only possess two Grand Kalpas worth of fate to be an Exalted Celestial. Now that two Grand Kalpas have passed, your fate of being an Exalted Celestial has already reached its end!”

After the New Cosmos finished forming, Qin Yu came to know a lot.

Grand Kalpas was a method of time calculation. Every six quadrillion years was a single Grand Kalpa.

Lin Meng continued. “As for your Zhou Clan, not long after you fall, that youth Zhou Qing will become the first person who managed to comprehend Time Reversal by himself in my Lin Meng Cosmos.”

“Comprehend Time Reversal by himself? No wonder Second Brother had me give the Thunder Origin Spiritual Pearl to him.” Beside him, Qin Yu was also shocked. Qin Yu knew very well that the creator of the Cosmos controlled everything that happened in the Cosmos.

The creator could figure out even the fates of everyone in the Cosmos.

However, because this was Lin Meng’s Cosmos, Qin Yu was unable to determine the fate of that Zhou Qing. Yet, Lin Meng was able to.

“Zhou Qing? No, how could it be him? The Zhou Clan’s Exalted Celestial ought to be me.” The Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial was unable to accept it.


Lin Meng coldly humped and waved his hand. “No…” Right after the Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial’s terrified voice sounded, he was immediately turned into dust. Only a dot of light disappeared into the heaven and earth.

The three Exalted Celestials below were all quaking in fear.

Actually, to people of Qin Yu and Lin Meng’s level, the Exalted Celestial could not be considered as anything. The two of them were both capable of making anyone into their Cosmos’s Exalted Celestial.

After the matter with the Thunder Punishment Exalted Celestial was settled and they finished eating, Qin Yu and Lin Meng proceeded to walk alongside each other in the White Cloud Palace.

“Qin Yu, now that your Cosmos was completed, it should be about time for you to go see Big Brother.” Lin Meng said with a smile.

Qin Yu had also frequently thought about it in his heart. ‘Second Brother is Lin Meng, who is the Big Brother?’ There was a lot of things regarding the outside world that Qin Yu did not know about. However, based on what Lin Meng had said, this Big Brother ought to be living in the Grandmist Space.

In the past, Qin Yu was unable to enter the Grandmist Space at all. Now that the New Cosmos was completed, Qin Yu was able to easily enter the Grandmist Space.

Inside the Grandmist Space.

Countless amounts of Grandmist Spiritual Energies were slowly moving about. Qin Yu and Lin Meng were flying alongside each other. Wherever they moved to, the Grandmist Spiritual Energies naturally opened up a path for them.

The Grandmist Space is boundless. As for Qin Yu and Lin Meng, they were talking cheerfully and wittily as they flew.

“Second Brother, I know that when I reached the Black Hole stage in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, I had heard someone say ‘Little Friend, we’re waiting for you.’ Is that you and Big Brother? Furthermore, there’s the ‘My path is not alone’…” QinYu said with a smile.

This question was something that Qin Yu was thinking for the entire time.

Lin Meng started laughing. “You’re talking about that? That’s right, it’s indeed something that Big Brother and I had made. Back then, the two of us were truly too overjoyed. Neither Big Brother nor I had ever thought there to be someone that was capable of connecting with the Grandmist Space. When you managed to connect with the Grandmist Space, even if your martial technique ended up in an imperfection, Big Brother and I would still be able to help you. However, you were amazing. Step by step, you’ve walked over with your own strength and attained the most perfect state.”

Qin Yu tersenyum.

“Qin Yu, it is impossible for you to imagine how overjoyed Big Brother and I were. The amount of time I’ve waited could still be considered as being brief. It was merely a bit over two Grand Kalpas. As for Big Brother, he had waited over a thousand Grand Kalpas! The two of us had both hoped there to be more kindred spirits. After all, we have been lonely for too long.” Lin Meng said with a sigh.

Qin Yu quaked in fear.

Over a thousand Grand Kalpas? A single Grand Kalpas was six quadrillion years. Over a thousand Grand Kalpas, how long was that?

That Big Brother, he had been alone for a truly long time.

“Second Brother Lin Meng, according to what you had said, there ought to only be three Cosmos in the entire Grandmist Space?” Qin Yu said.

Lin Meng nodded and said. "Betul. There are only three Cosmos. The Cosmos Big Brother created was the oldest. The Cosmos I’ve created was two Grand Kalpas old. As for yours, hehe… I reckon you have yet to create even life on there, right?”

Qin Yu mengangguk. “That’s right, I still didn’t have the time to do that yet.”

“There’s no need to worry about that. However, Qin Yu. To be honest, both Big Brother and I deeply admire you.” Lin Meng gasped and said.

"Oh? Admire me?” Qin Yu was a bit shocked.

Lin Meng tersenyum dan berkata. “You don’t know about this but back then I had managed to attain a Grandmist Body through cultivation. After that, I broke through the membrane separating the Cosmos I was from through my attack power and charged into the Grandmist Space. After that, I encountered Big Brother. Only through the guidance from Big Brother did I manage to create my Cosmos.”

“As for Big Brother, he is the first life in the entire Grandmist Space, a life created by the Grandmist Space. A very long time after his birth, he managed to learn how to create a Cosmos and life.”

“Big Brother possessed immense talent and was the first life in the Grandmist Space. Thus, it is also nothing special for him to be able to create Cosmos. However, what about me? I am merely someone who had managed to rush out from my original Cosmos. Yet you… without the assistance from Big Brother and I, you managed to perfectly create a Cosmos on your own. Say, for you to be able to do such a thing, how could Big Brother and I not admire you?”

Qin Yu tersenyum.

However, Qin Yu also knew that the Grandmist Space was extremely dangerous. Only through managing to train one’s body into a Grandmist Body, in which case one’s body would be fused together with the Grandmist Spiritual Energy, one would not be harmed in the Grandmist Space, since the body would be the same as Grandmist Spiritual Energy. The other method was to obtain an Indestructible Dark Yellow Body. With such a body, one could resist the oppression from the Grandmist Space.

Even the Exalted Celestials did not possess the ability to enter into the Grandmist Space.

Currently, in the entire Cosmos, the people that were capable of entering into the Grandmist Space were only Qin Yu, Lin Meng and that Big Brother.

"Oh itu benar. Second Brother, when the Exalted Celestial Mountain descended in the Lin Meng Cosmos, why did you select Chehou Yuan as the new Exalted Celestial? Could it be that he possessed a very high amount of virtue?” Qin Yu asked.

Qin Yu did not understand why Lin Meng had selected Chehou Yuan.

“Chehou Yuan. Sigh, mentioning of Chehou Yuan, to be honest, he was greatly wronged.” Lin Meng sighed.

“Wronged?” Qin Yu was surprised.

Lin Meng nodded and said. “Qin Yu, you didn’t know about this but this Chehou Yuan had already reached the apex of artifact crafting. The Fix Elemental Pearl that he managed to make in the end is essentially the model of a Cosmos!”

Qin Yu recalled the Fix Elemental Pearl. The inside of the Fix Elemental Pearl was a cosmic space.

"Model? Second brother, what do you mean by that? I know about that Fix Elemental Pearl. Although it is peculiar, there is no Spatial Laws and Temporal Laws in it.” Qin Yu said in confusion.

Lin Meng smiled and shook his head. “Big Brother and I have carefully observed this Chehou Yuan for a long time. Actually, the process by which Chehou Yuan created the Fix Elemental Pearl was practically the same as the process in which Big Brother used the Grandmist Spiritual Energy to create the Cosmos.”

“The same?” Qin Yu looked to Lin Meng.

"Iya nih. Unfortunately, Chehou Yuan was unable to enter into the Grandmist Space at all. The materials that he had used were merely things originated from the various Mortal Realm spaces. In the end, those materials managed to complement each other and achieve an effect comparable to the Grandmist Spiritual Energy. However, no matter what, those materials did not possess Grandmist Spiritual Energy. Thus, this caused him to be only able to create a Fix Elemental Pearl in the end.”

Lin Meng shook his head and said with a sigh. “This Chehou Yuan, had he spent his talent on cultivation, then it might be possible for him to create a new Cosmos. Merely, he had spent all of his expenditure on artifact crafting. Due to the fact that he was unable to utilize a large amount of Grandmist Spiritual Energy, no matter how talented he was, that Fix Elemental Pearl that he created was greatly inferior to an actual Cosmos.”

Qin Yu mengangguk. He came to understand it a bit.

"Sayang sekali. Someone who was originally able to be the same as us. However, he had taken the wrong path. Thus, I decided to give him some compensation and allowed him to become an Exalted Celestial. Merely… I still feel very regretful for him.” Lin Meng shook his head and sighed.

Qin Yu also felt regretful.

Back then, when Qin Yu saw the Fix Elemental Pearl, he had sensed that it was very similar to the Cosmos. Within the Fix Elemental Pearl, one could not even use the Spatial laws. With merely this, one could tell that it was the model of a Cosmos.

Unfortunately, in order to create a Cosmos, a large amount of Grandmist Spiritual Energy was required.

This Chehou Yuan, even though he had journeyed through several millions of Mortal Realm cosmic spaces and gathered all kinds of materials, the effect of those materials, no matter how good they were, were unable to match up to the primitive Grandmist Spiritual Energy.

As Qin Yu and Lin Meng walked and chatted, every step they took was the distance of an entire Divine Realm. After chatting for a short period of time, Qin Yu and Lin Meng had arrived at their destination.

In the depths of the boundless Grandmist Spiritual Energy was a floating thatched cottage.

A little thatched cottage. Before the cottage was a thick and short Cassia Tree. Underneath The Cassia Tree was a stone table, with three benches beside it. This was Big Brother’s residence.

In the surroundings, a boundless amount of Grandmist Spiritual Energy was flowing about. In the center was a floating dry land with a circumference of several tens of meters.

Qin Yu took a step onto the floating land before the thatched cottage. His gaze was immediately cast toward the middle aged man sitting beside the stone table. This middle aged man wore a simple and unadorned sackcloth gown. His long hair was casually draped over his shoulder in a scattered manner. His appearance was like that of someone who didn’t care about appearance. At this moment, he was drinking wine from his wine cup. However, his eyes were fixed upon a golden book before him.

“Big brother.” Lin Meng immediately shouted.

Only at this moment did this middle aged man raise his head. When he saw Lin Meng and Qin Yu, he was immediately overjoyed. “Haha, this is Third Brother Qin Yu, right? Ha ha. This is truly great. I finally get to meet you, Third Brother.” This middle aged man was extremely enthusiastic. He immediately stood up to welcome Qin Yu and Lin Meng.

Qin Yu and Lin Meng immediately sat down.

“Quickly, have a seat, try out the wine that I made. This wine is something that I brewed after gathering a lot of the materials from my Cosmos. It’s extremely good.” The middle aged man waved his sleeve and two wine cups appeared before Qin Yu and Lin Meng.

Lin Meng turned to Qin Yu. Dia tersenyum dan berkata. “Qin Yu, Big Brother is an extremely nice individual. There is no need for you to be reserved. Oh itu benar. I have yet to tell you Big Brother’s name. His name is… Hong Meng.”

“Hong Meng?” Qin Yu was startled.

Hong Meng smiled and said. “Is there something you’re confused about? Haha… to be honest, because I am the very first life in this space, I decided to name the entire space as Grandmist Space.”

[TL: Hong(Grand) Meng(mist) ]

Qin Yu tiba-tiba mengerti.

“Qin Yu, I have waited for over a thousand Grand Kalpas till the appearance of Lin Meng. However, never would I expect that after only two Grand Kalpas, you’ve appeared. I am truly too happy. Haha…” Hong Meng started to laugh loudly.

The first life in the Grandmist Space was currently extremely excited.

Only by creating a Cosmos would one be able to be considered as a living thing at the same level as Hong Meng. For there to be two such individuals now, Hong Meng was naturally extremely happy.

“Qin Yu, there is another thing that I must tell you. That Cosmos of yours is still not completed yet.” Hong Meng said with a smile. After that, he waved his hand and a water screen mirror appeared before them. Three enormous Cosmos appeared on the mirror.

Qin Yu berbalik dan melihat.

“What, what is this?” Qin Yu was startled.

Qin Yu was able to immediately distinguish that the Cosmos to the right was the one that he created. The other two Cosmos were Cosmos that Lin Meng and Hong Meng had created.

“You know the difference now, right? Lin Meng and my Cosmoses, other than the Main Cosmos in the center, there are four other Subsidiary Cosmoses. The size of the Subsidiary Cosmoses are only a tenth of the Main Cosmos. However, these Subsidiary Cosmoses would allow the Main Cosmos to be even more stable. This state is also the most perfect state.”

Hong Meng waved his hand and then a leaf fell down from the Cassia Tree beside them.

Hong Meng handed this leaf to Qin Yu. “Qin Yu, the method to create the four Subsidiary Cosmoses is contained within this leaf. There is also no need for you to be anxious about the creation of the four Subsidiary Cosmoses. You merely need to work on them when you’re free after you return.”

“Thank you Big Brother Hong Meng.” Qin Yu immediately took the leaf.

“Qin Yu, I reckon that you only have the ability to figure out the fates of the people from your Cosmos, right?” Hong Meng said with a smile.

Qin Yu mengangguk. Confused, he asked. “Big Brother Hong Meng, is there something strange about this?”

“For Lin Meng and I, we are able to determine the fate of every creature in any Cosmos. When your Cosmos has living creatures, the two of us would also be able to figure out their destiny.” Hong Meng said mysteriously.

“Why is that the case?” Qin Yu was confused.

Lin Meng tersenyum dan berkata. “Big Brother, stop teasing Qin Yu anymore. Just summon out the Grandmist Golden Banner.”

“Grandmist Golden Banner?” Qin Yu heard a name that he had never heard before.

“You’ll understand soon.” Hong Meng waved his hand. Qin Yu clearly saw that in the hundred of million miles distance far away , a golden banner appeared and was floating through the boundless Grandmist Spiritual Energy toward their location.

That golden banner had flown to the front of Qin Yu, Hong Meng and Lin Meng’s location.

“Huff.” Qin Yu clearly felt that this golden banner had a special kind of oppressive pressure. It had actually caused even his heart to throb. Qin Yu carefully looked to the golden banner.

This Grandmist Golden Banner was six meters long and half a meter wide. The entire Grandmist Golden Banner was gold in color. Behind the Grandmist Golden Banner was a faint yet enormous writing the size of the Grandmist Golden Banner.

This writing was extremely peculiar. Qin Yu immediately recognized that it was the same sort of handwriting as the one written on the All People Seal. Although he did not recognize the words, the meaning of this writing immediately appeared in his mind.

That enormous writing was ‘Meng.’

On the Grandmist Golden Banner itself were two words. They were also written in that complicated writing. Qin Yu managed to easily recognize those two words. They were respectively ‘Hong’ and ‘Lin.’

“Qin Yu, this is the Grandmist Golden Banner. As long as one’s name is on the Grandmist Golden Banner, one would be a Grandmist Controller. As a Grandmist Controller, everything in the Grandmist Space, regardless of which Cosmos it is, one would be able to determine the fate of every living thing in there. Furthermore, that person would be able to use the energy in any of the Cosmoses.” Hong Meng said with a smile.

“Grandmist Controller?” Qin Yu was shocked.

“The Grandmist Space is boundless. As time passed, naturally more Cosmoses could appear. This Grandmist Golden Banner was also something that the Grandmist Space gave birth to, much like myself. This Grandmist Golden Banner is used to control the entire Grandmist Space.” Hong meng said with a smile.

Lin Meng also nodded. “Qin Yu, you merely need to imprint a trace of your soul into it to become a Grandmist Controller.”

"Eh? This Grandmist Banner, the words ‘Hong’ and ‘Lin’ had only occupied half of the space for the first row. Two more words could be written on it.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

With an intention from Qin Yu, a trace of his soul’s energy flew over and assimilated into the Grandmist Golden Banner.

The Grandmist Golden Banner immediately started to shine brightly. Golden light was shot out from the Grandmist Golden Banner. Instantly, it covered the boundless space. Even those three Cosmoses were covered by the light.

After a while, the Grandmist Golden Banner returned to its former state.

On the first row of the Grandmist Golden Banner was the words ‘Hong,’ ‘Lin,’ and ‘Qin.’

Instantly, a countless amount of information rushed into Qin Yu’s mind, including the information regarding the Grandmist Space. It also included the information of his Big Brother and Second Brother’s Cosmos’s, the Hong Meng Cosmos and the Lin Meng Cosmos.

Tentu saja.

As a Grandmist Controller, he knew the information from every Cosmos and was able to calculate the fate of anyone.

“So this was it.” At this moment, Qin Yu realized why there could be four words written on the first row of the Grandmist Golden Scroll. “Never would I expect that the Grandmist Controllers are separated into different ranks.” ‘Third Brother,’ Qin Yu smiled and gasped.

“That’s of course.” Big Brother Hong Meng nodded and said. “Those on the first row of the Grandmist Golden Banner are the first class Grandmist Controllers, the highest level Grandmist Controllers. Other than these four, the others are all ordinary Grandmist Controllers.”

Qin Yu juga mengerti.

After time passed, more people who created Cosmos would appear. Thus, a hierarchy would naturally form.

The first four Cosmos creators were the first class Grandmist Controllers.

As for the people following, they would all be ordinary Grandmist Controllers. These people would be administered by the first-class Grandmist Controllers.

“The Grandmist Space is boundless, however, for the stability of the Grandmist Space, the Grandmist Golden Banner still had rules to it. In the entire Grandmist Space, only four largest Cosmoses were allowed. Qin Yu, your Cosmos is the same size as my Cosmos and Big Brother’s Cosmos. Only four such size Cosmoses were allowed… As for the future, even if someone managed to create a Cosmos again, their size would only be a hundredth of our Cosmos.” Lin Meng said with a smile.

Qin Yu mengangguk.

Qin Yu also understood that the strength of Cosmos Creators were directly proportional to the size of their Cosmos. The greater their Cosmos, the stronger their abilities would be.

“There are only four first class Grandmist Controllers. Now, there are already three first class Grandmist Controllers. I wonder who would be lucky enough for become the fourth first class Grandmist Controller.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Qin Yu also understood that after having his name written on the Grandmist Golden Banner, he now had an additional name, ‘Qin Meng.’

As Qin Meng. Qin Yu’s Cosmos was also called Qin Meng Cosmos.

“Those who could create Cosmos, they ought to all be originated from people who have fates that we cannot determine.” Hong Meng lightly smiled and said.

Qin Yu juga mengangguk.

After becoming a Grandmist Controller, Qin Yu was able to calculate the fate of practically everyone in all the Cosmoses. However, it was only practically! In a single Cosmos, there were always several tens of people with fates that he could not determine.

“For example, there’s you, Qin Yu and Lin Meng. Back then, I was unable to determine the fates of either of you. And now, the two of you both managed to successfully become Grandmist Controllers… Of course, there would always be over ten thousand individuals who I could not determine the fates of in every Grand Kalpa. However, those that are able to successfully create a Cosmos are extremely rare.” Hong Meng smiled as he shook his head.


Hong Meng suddenly cried out in surprise. “Lin Meng, there’s a Mortal Realm cosmic space in your Cosmos that surprisingly has six individuals with fates that cannot be determined.”

It was practically unimaginable!

In a Grand Kalpa, there would only be over ten thousand individuals with fates that cannot be determined. Generally, at any given moment, only several tens of individuals had fates that cannot be determined in a Cosmos. Furthermore, the amount of Mortal Realm cosmic spaces in a Cosmos numbered greater than ten million.

Among the ten million Mortal Realm cosmic spaces, there were actually six individuals with fates that cannot be determined. Furthermore, they were all from the same Mortal Realm cosmic space.

"Oh? I have also discovered that Mortal Realm cosmic space. Oh itu benar. That cosmic space is a Science and Technology cosmic space. It’s the hometown of Qin Yu’s master, Lei Wei.” Lin Meng said with a smile.

Qin Yu also managed to determine.

His master Lei Wei’s hometown, that Science and Technology cosmic space was extremely developed right now. In that Mortal Realm cosmic space, there were surprisingly six individuals with undetermined fates. Furthermore, three of those individuals were on ‘Earth.’

“Haha, I shall give it a push and see if there would be a Grandmist Controller borned from this cosmic space.” Hong Meng said with a smile. After that, he picked up his cup of wine and casually sprinkled it around.

The wine from the cup of wine immediately streaked across the Grandmist Space and directly flew into the Science and Technology space. In the end, it landed on Earth.

Although it was only a cup of wine, it was wine that Hong Meng had carefully brewed. Although it might not mean much to Qin Yu and Lin Meng, but that cup of wine was extremely useful to Godkings and Exalted Celestials.

“Big Brother, Second Brother, I have yet to properly tell my wife and sons of my success in the Cosmos creation. As for that Qin Meng Cosmos, I have also not created life in it yet. I shall take my leave first. After I finish all my matters, I will return and properly gather with Big Brother and Second Brother.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Hong Meng and Lin Meng both nodded with smiles on their faces.

“The amount of time we have in the future is boundless. There is no need to rush.” Hong Meng said with a smile.

Qin Yu immediately left. With a single teleportation, he had disappeared from the Grandmist Space. As for Hong Meng and Lin Meng, the two of them continued to remain in the Grandmist Space and continued to drink and chat before the thatched cottage.

Rumah Mistik Ungu. A group of people were gathered in the courtyard.

“What, you still haven’t found him?” Jiang Li had became anxious.

At this moment, the entire Purple Mystic Mansion was in an upheaval. Many people had gone out to find Qin Yu’s youngest son, Qin Shuang. No one had imagined that Qin Shuang had secretly left by himself.

“Mom, don’t worry. Second brother might have gone to some place to play. He would likely return soon.” Qin Si was consoling Jiang Li beside her.

“Lebih buruk, jangan khawatir. A lot of the Godkings had gone to find him. They will be able to find him.” Jiang Lan consoled.

At this moment, both Hei Yu and Hou Fei were also here. The sudden disappearance of Qin Shuang had turned the entire Purple Mystic Mansion upside down. As Qin Shuang’s strength was too weak, everyone naturally became worried.

"Mendesah. Little Shuang, that child. I had merely mentioned that to him yet he actually ran away. It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault.” Jiang Li blamed herself.

"Lebih buruk, apa yang salah?"

A black gowned Qin Yu walked in from the entrance of the courtyard. When they saw Qin Yu, the large group of people gathered in the courtyard were immediately stunned. As Qin Yu had arrived, this matter might be resolved very quickly.

“Brother Yu.” After seeing Qin Yu, Jiang Li almost cried. “Little Shuang disappeared. I had merely told him that Brother Yu has managed to complete his martial technique and would be able to help him increase his cultivation speed greatly. But… but that child, he said in a revolt that he would be fine by relying on himself. At that time, I also didn’t take note of it. However, surprisingly, with only a turn of my head, he disappeared.”

Seeing Jiang Li’s almost crying appearance, Qin Yu said. "Tidak masalah. Jangan khawatir tentang itu. Little Shuang is fine. He has gone to a Mortal Realm cosmic space.” With a single intention, Qin Yu knew where his son had went.

“Mortal Realm cosmic space?” Jiang Li immediately felt her heart loosening.

In the Mortal Realm, that Qin Shuang could still be considered as being safe.

Qin Yu also knew himself that this youngest son of his, perhaps because of the fact that his father’s, mother’s and older brother’s cultivation were all extremely high, had been feeling oppressed. This ended up causing him to have a rebellious attitude.

“Li’er, Little Shuang is currently in the hometown of my late master Lei Wei, that Science and Technology cosmic space.” Qin Yu smiled and looked to Qin Si beside him. “Little Si, you must also properly put your heart into cultivation training. Little Shuang’s accomplishment might be even higher than yours in the future.”

“Oh?” Qin Si was a bit surprised.

Qin Yu however knew very well himself. His youngest son, Qin Shuang, was one such individual with an undetermined fate. Furthermore, Qin Shuang had gone to the Science and Technology Mortal Realm cosmic space that contained the most people with undetermined fates. Even Qin Yu was unable to determine what sort of path his youngest son would end up walking in the future.

“Li’er, Xiao Hei, Bai Ling, Fei Fei, Zi Xia, Hong Yun. My Qin Meng Cosmos is now completed. All that I’m doing now is creating life on it. When I’m creating the various living things, you all should come with me to watch it and give me some ideas on what to create.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Hou Fei and Hei Yu’s eyes started to shine.

“Wow, creating life?” Hou Fei was so excited that his body started shivering. Even Hei Yu was overjoyed that he started smiling.

“Uncle Lan…” Qin Yu was about to speak.

Jiang Lan berkata sambil tersenyum. "Tidak masalah. I’ll go and enjoy tea with your father and them. Those kind of exciting things, it’s better for you all to go and do it yourselves.”

Qin Yu mengangguk sambil tersenyum.

“Gaga, let’s go!” Hou Fei shouted in excitement.

Qin Yu, Jiang Li, Hei Yu, Bai Ling, Hou Fei, Zi Xia and Hong Yun,the three brothers and their wives, entered into the New Cosmos and began creating life and civilization on the New Cosmos.

After entering the Qin Meng Cosmos.

“Big brother, why is this Cosmos called the Qin Meng Cosmos?” Hou Fei asked.

“Oh, this is because…” Qin Yu wanted to answer but he suddenly recalled a matter…

“That child Qin Shuang is also an individual with fate that cannot be determined. If he ended up becoming a Grandmist Controller and ended up on the Grandmist Golden Banner, then wouldn’t there be two Qin Meng Cosmoses? Wouldn’t he be renowned together with his father, me?”

When he thought of that, Qin Yu started to smile. He also began to look forward to Qin Shaung’s journey.

After that, Qin Yu and his brothers Hou Fei and Hei Yu along with their wives began their interesting days of creating life on the Qin Meng Cosmos… As for Qin Yu’s son Qin Shuang, he had also began a journey on Earth that was no less marvelous then his father’s.

(TranslationNations: How do we not have a Novel about his son????)

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